Muzzle 2023 movie (Recap)

    Muzzle 2023 movie (Recap)


    Muzzle | 2023 | Trailer | Thriller | Starring Aaron Eckhart

    Today we will read the story of the LAPS Police Officer’s K9 Unit but after reprimanding his partner dog was killed for an unknown reason. This movie was released in 2023 titled “MUZZLE” directed by John Stalberg Jr with a duration of 1 hour and 40 minutes. starring Aaron Eckhart (Jake Rosser), Penelope Mitchell (Mia) and Diego Tinoco (Hernandez). The movie genre is an action, crime,and thriller.

    In Los Angeles California, Jake Rosser is a war veteran who already belongs to the LAPD k9 Unit as his partner the Police Dog Ace. Jake is alone in life and the only thing he considers family is his pet dog. While on duty he received a call from another police that they needed a K9 so Jake immediately responded to the call.

    Arriving at the place it was surrounded by homeless people. The police chased a vehicle that was found to be stolen and they wanted to have it checked after the suspect fled. When Jake checked that vehicle through his partner it was confirmed that the vehicle contained suspected drugs. Jake also checked the surroundings to follow the driver of the car until the dog smelled him but when the police officer approached. The assailant opened fire and hit the policeman.

    The other police called back up when they heard the gunfire while Jake saved the colleague. Another policeman interfered with the drug and found that it had a bomb inside, causing it to explode. Jake saw the suspect fleeing so he immediately chased him with his partner but there were bumps along the way. Jake was worried about the pet so he checked on it first before continuing to chase the assailant through the building.

    He released the pet to find the driver faster but the suspect left his jacket with a man so Ace attacked him. The suspect also suddely came out and ordered Ace to lie down in German which he immediately did then shot him. Jake chases after the man to surrender him but he continues to run until Jake kills him and falls off the building.

    When he got the pet back, It was lifeless so he immediately took it to the medic but the EMT didn’t want to treat his partner because they said the human would come first. In Jake’s anger he punched the EMT while it was capture on video by those who were there at the crime scene because of what happened. Jake’s partner died. The agency recognized him as a hero.

    Jake just cried over the death of his pet because he couldn’t even save it. Since then, Jake’s life has become sad as he is alone. His neighbor Mia tries to comfort him but Jake refuses. A few days later there was an investigation into the clash Jake was pressured for abandoning his injured police colleagues to chase the culprit.

    Jake argued that he hat to catch the culprit because he was a threat to the community if he couldn’t stop him but it seemed beyond the investigator that Jake abandoned his partner so he was killed. Jake wants to know the identity of the suspect because of the way he commanded his partner as of he was one of them.

    The investigator just dug up his past that he has a mental issue because they think that Jake does not want to cooperate in the investigation. Jake was advised by his Captain to see a Doctor first to help him with his condition and then give him a new partner. Jake says he wants to see Ace’s autopsy to see what really killed him but the Captain doesn’t want to agree. Jake challenged him to remove his from the service.

    When Jake came out many people protested him because of what he did to hurt the EMT. His friend Detective Ramos stopped it by passing in front to avoid trouble. Jake asks Ramos for help in seeing the autopsy of his partner then leaves.

    Jake brought Ace’s files to the K9 trainer Leland over the police dog’s death. He offers Jake a new partner but Jake refuses first. When they went out Jake saw their new K9 dog. Leland said it was mistreated by the former handler and neglected.

    Jake returns to the streets to find Dante to find information. The one he asked warned him to be careful in a very dangerous place while there was a man watching his actions. Jake saw a Logo as they chased the suspect suddenly the police came and mistook him. He was also released immediately after learning that he was also a policeman.

    Jake meets with Ramos where she brings the result of Ace’s autopsy. He found out that his partner had died of an overdose of illegal drugs. He also informed Ramos of the logo he had seen at the crime seen. It is said to be a type of illicit drug that is the cause of most deaths.

    Jake plans to find out who is doing this but Ramos stop him because he is alone. He advised Jake to get a new partner. Jake immediately went to Leland to get a new pet and he chose the new dog Socks. The trainer warned him that the dog was biting.

    Jake stopped the attempt to bite him. He also saw that the dog’s fans are titanium so he chose this one. He brought her home and to tame it. He gave the dog food but it didn’t want to eat. It turned out that his new pert wanted human food.

    Muzzle 2023 movie

    Jake also went to the Doctor to get therapy for his mental health problem. The Doctor advised him to find someone else to talk to. When Jake got home he went to the neighbor Mia to invite him for coffee. Mia saw Jake’s sadness so she criticized his feelings and this is also the beginning of the relationship between the two. When Jake was about to train his partner the dog didn’t want to follow his command. The other handlers watching laughed at this.

    The next day, Jake tried to get his pet to obey again but he still didn’t want to listen to him. Jake talked to it and when he snapped his finger the dog suddenly did all the training on its own which surprised everyone. Jake has also changed a lot when Mia came into his life it lost it temper.

    One day Jake went to the precinct to borrow the key to the patrol car he was using, he just used the radio to perform a fake search and rescue on a man named Dante and pretended to have kidnapped him. He saw a policeman hurrying away. When Jake followed the police there he confirmed the whereabouts of Dante who is an asset of the police Hernadez.

    When the police left he talked to Dante who knew Jake’s dog partner. Jake said it wasn’t his old pet because his dog was new. Jake buys him a drink then explains the logo he saw. Later on, Jake met Ramos again he was happy that he now had a new pet.

    Jake informed Ramos why the group is called China because that’s where it came from. He also asked to know the registration number of the car that exploded. Ramos couldn’t refuse because of his debt to Jake.

    A few days later, Jake met secretly and Ramos gave him the name of the Chinese and his address. Jake returned to duty. Hernandez scolded him for interfering with his assets. Jake’s partner Socks got angry and the police retreated. Then he went to the address Ramos gave him. He found a car with only the key inside and drums around.

    When he entered the house he discovered that it was drugged. Socks suddenly ran upstairs so he chased him into a room that entered. He saw another dog so he attacked him at the handler’s command. Socks helped him then fought his handler until he killed him.


    When they got home, Jake wondered why Socks was angry, He found out that it was because of the drug case he was holding. Jake suspected something was wrong with the bottle so he looked it up on the internet. He found out that a Chinese owned the company and copied the address written on it.

    In the office the Captain was happu with Jake’s discovery and encouraged Ramos to thank Jake because he solved Ramos long held case. Jake was told by the Captain to look at the Doctor again after he killed again. Outside Jake thanked Ramos because he killed one of the people involved in Ace’s death. He also asked Ramos to find out who Socks former handler was. Ramos didn’t want to agree but Jake hoped that e would be able to help him.

    At night, Jake left to investigate he met his girlfriend and she said goodbye to go for a walk outside. Jake went to another address he got. He was supposed to be the only one to come in but Socks was barking so he brought him along. When they got inside Jake discovered that it was another illegal factory.

    The man thought that Jake belonged to their group because he was with Socks who had been missing for a long time and was looking for Santiago his former handler. Jake tried to tell the man who Santiago was he warned him that the chemical he was holding could out him to sleep with just one drop but Jake insisted so the man rubbed it on his face causing Jake to fell dizzy.

    The leader of the group also arrived at the spot along with staff with dogs. They controlled his dog so that’s when Jake found out that Socks came from them until he completely lost consciousness. The next day Jake woke up in the street trying to remember what happened. There are also police officers around and those who saw the car explosion last night are pointing to him.

    When Jake was brought to the precinct. The Detective found out that he has used illegal drugs. The Captain thinks that Jake did this because he was stressed at work. Jake tells what happened to him and getting Socks but what the investigator criticizes is his drug use.

    Jake said that he was just drugged but it already had a previous record so Jake was completely removed from the service. Jake was upset about what happened and Hernandez suddenly talked to him after knowing what happened to him from Ramos. The police told him to find Socks and help him get his partner back.

    Jake and Ramos met again and Ramos told him the whereabouts of Sock’s former handler. Jake immediately went to the car he saw at the crime scene and used it to go to Santiago’s former handler. When he talked to him the man denied that he was Santiago so Jake mentioned their mutual pet Socks.

    Santiago threatened him and Jake showed him the gun the the two talked. Jake is hurry to find out where Socks can be found. Santiago is proud of his former pet for his courage because he almost died after neglected by their group so he saved him and healed him then left..

    Santiago also said that the illegal drug spread by the group that passes through Mexico come from China before being spread in the City through the dog poops. In order for him to find out where Socks he follows the garbage collector. Jake immediately tracks down a truck and follows until he knows the group’s whereabouts.

    He found out that they were using the dogs to collect illegal drug. Once confirmed Jake immediately called for back up then went inside but they found out that he was there and fought with them. Hernandez also came to help him. Jake followed the leader of the group inside with his partner.

    He told him to call Socks if he would follow him but Socks didn’t want to follow Jake because that’s when Jake surrendered and challenged the leader of the group to kill him. it turned out that Santiago had a trick taught him by his finger so Socks attacked the leader with another dog.

    A year later Jake is living happily now that he and Mia have a child and Socks is also with them.

    This where our story ends. I hope you enjoyed reading it.

    Cast of Muzzle

    Aaron Eckhart
    (Jake Rosser)
    Penelope Mitchell
    Diego Tinoco
    Stephen Lang
    Delissa Reynolds
    (Detective Ramos)
    David Anderson
    Hemky Madera


    1. Who stars in Muzzle?
      • Aaron Eckhart (Jake Rosser)
      • Penelope Mitchell (Mia)
      • Diego Tinoco (Hernandez)
    2. Who Directed Muzzle?
      • John Stalberg Jr.
    3. What is Muzzle rated?
      • TV-14
    4. How long is Muzzle?
      • 1 hour and 40 minutes
    5. What genre is Muzzle?
      • action
      • crime
      • thriller
    6. Who wrote Muzzle?
      • John Stalberg Jr
      • Carlyle Eubank
    7. Who was the composer Muzzle?
      • Paul Gallister
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