A dog named Palma 2021 movie (recap)

    A dog named Palma 2021 movie (recap)

    A dog named Palma

    Palma (2021) | Trailer Oficial

    Today we will read the story 2021 Russian drama film titled “A DOG NAMED PALMA” directed by Aleksandr Domogarov with a duration of 1 hour and 50 minutes starring Viktor Doronravov (Vyacheslave Lazarev) and Leonid Basov (Kolya Lazarev).

    A dog named Palma movie

    The movie starts in 1977 where a man named IGOR is shown walking through the airport with his dog “PALMA” after the flight attendant looks at his passport he asks him about his dog’s health certificate he tries to find it but he was frustrated so he begged her to take him on the plane because he still had work the next day.

    A dog named Palma movie

    After listening to his explanations the flight attendant suggested that he go to the Doctor so that he can immediately arrange his necessary papers. Igor immediately took Palma to the Doctor and found that the dog has an ear infection because the Doctor did not approve his certificate so he tried to bribe him but the Doctor did not agree and stood by his decision.

    A dog named Palma

    Igor returned to the airport terminal not knowing what to do so he told everything and begged the flight attendant Nina to allow him to board the plane with Palma because there was no one else to take care of him because of this Igor convinced Nina and allowed he wanted but suddenly the airport manager came and the dog was not allowed to enter because it had no papers.

    A dog named Palma 2021 movie (recap)

    Igor was sad because he couldn’t do anything but follow the rules and leave his dearest friend he took Palma’s cart away from the runway and took the dog out and hugged him one last time and apologized for what he was going to do as he was stared at by his dog.

    A dog named Palma movie

    He threw the ball while Palma immediately took it but when he returned his boss was gone because he had boarded the plane. He immediately followed the plane and all the passenger’s looked at him except for Igor who stopped himself because Palma was blocking the runway and the pilot turned off the plane’s engine.

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    After leaving the dog they immediately set it to work and fly. Palma followed the plane until it disappeared into the clouds. Then the airport guard received a complaint about the dog so they caught it immediately but Palma immediately ran away from them and met Sergey who was a caretaker in the hangar. He then hides behind the plane where the guards approach Sergey and ask about the dog but he lies to protect the dog.

    A dog named Palma

    Then the scene switches to a boy named Kolya looking out the window while on a plane. One of the passengers was a high-ranking minister named Ivan Lysko. The pilot Vyacheslav is Kolya’s father who is command of the aircraft and is worried for his son so he asks a flight attendant if his son is sleeping.

    While Sergey was trying to get the dog’s trust by giving him food but Palma was about to eat the food when he heard a plane landing so he left and immediately headed to the runway. When the pilot saw that there was dog on the runway they did not proceed the landing because of this Ivan was surprised and embarrassed in front of the foreign delegates with him on the plane.

    A dog named Palma 2021 movie (recap)

    When the plane landed he immediately scolded the airport manager for the incident while Palma looked at the passengers one by one and ventured that one of the passengers was his boss. While the manager angrily ordered the dog to be caught and taken away from the airport as soon as possible.

    A dog named Palma movie

    The security team got the dog and locked it inside the bus but when Kolya got off the plane he saw it so he immediately helped him to escape because what he did the guards would have caught him but the pilot came and scolded them that this is his son.

    The manager reprimanded the pilot for not landing properly and releasing his son from the dog. The pilot told him that he couldn’t think straight because of the loss of his wife and he also said that he was always worried about his son so it was difficult for him to make decisions.

    The manager told him that he would receive an International license next month which relieved him. While Palma returned to Sergey with a ball in his mouth Sergey prepared the mat where Palma would rest.

    After this it is seen that Koyla arrives at a hotel with his father but as he is not happy with his father he plans to run away at night. When he arrived at the airport he tried to buy a ticket back to his town but the staff refused to give him a ticket and told the security officer to ask about the child’s parents.

    A dog named Palma

    Kolya finds a family and pretends to be one of them to get on the plane but the attendant finds out what he is doing so he immediately informs the security officers. Kolya immediately ran away before he could be caught and hid inside a small cabin outside the plane but Palma noticed him and blamed him. So before the security guard noticed them Kolya immediately left the cabin and left with Palma and he took him to his hiding place where the two spent the night.

    The next morning Vyacheslave discovers that his son is missing so he plans to report it to the police immediately but suddenly he receives a phone call from Sergey who tells him that his son is fine. Vyacheslav comes to their place and sees his son sleeping with Palma.

    He tries to drag his son back to the hotel but Palma intervenes and stop him Sergey also tells him to go back to his flight and assures him that he will watch over his son.

    A dog named Palma 2021 movie (recap)

    After Vyacheslav left Sergey made food for Kolya and served it to him he also warned the boy that it was dangerous to enter the cabin. After a while the flight attendant Nina comes and tells Sergey that drinking coffee is bad for his health.

    A dog named Palma movie

    Here it will be known that Nina is Sergey’s daughter and while they were talking Palma ran towards the runway where the plane had landed. Kolya approached Palma who was looking at the people exiting the plane hoping that one of the passengers was his boss. Kolya stood beside him and said that he was also alone because his mother left him completely.

    The next day Kolya tries to find Igor’s address from the airport ticket counter but the woman refuses to give him the information because it is confidential.

    A dog named Palma

    Meanwhile Palma approached another landing plane and this time he saw a man who looked like Igor so he immediately followed him to the terminal but the security guard also chasing him. He entered the terminal found out that Igor was not the man. When Palma was trapped and was about to be arrested Koyla arrived and got the attention of the guards so that the dog could escape because of this incident many items were damaged at the airport. While Kolya and Palma found a place to hide the woman approached them at the ticket counter and gave Igor’s address. He also showed them how to get out of the airport.

    A dog named Palma 2021 movie (recap)

    The scene shifts to the airport manager who is angry with the pilot as a result of Palma and his son’s injuries in the terminal. He bribes pilot and assures him that if he helps capture Palma he will get his International License. The pilot accepts the plan and proceeds to the location where Palma and Kolya are with the dog catcher. Nina and Sergey were also there and they tried to stop the dog catcher but they couldn’t stop him and caught Palma and put him in the car.

    Kolya was heartbroken to see Palma taken from him then Nina gave Vyacheslav the letter that Koyla had written for Igor. In the evening Vyacheslav began to read the letter he discovers that Koyla is begging Igor to take his beloved dog Palma. He also said that losing loved ones is the most painful and saddest time of anyone’s life.

    A dog named Palma movie

    Vyacheslav is sad after reading the letter and goes out of his room the pilot decides to save Palma from custody and decides to help his son. When they arrived at the dog shelter they were surprised because Nina was there. They also found out that Palma had escaped from custody.

    Kolya told them that he knew where to look for Palma when they arrived at the airport Kolya was disappointed because Palma was not there later he saw him running towards the plane to look at the passengers getting off the plane.

    A dog named Palma

    Vyacheslav realized that he had to act to help the poor dog. The next day Vyacheslav contacted a reporter who took a picture of Palma and published his story on the front page of the newspaper because what he did angered the airport manager and informed him that he would no longer be able to get an International License.

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    At that moment the manager received a call from the minister who was interested in using Palma’s story as an opportunity to gain public attention. He praised the pilot’s work and gave him an International License, Palma became an attraction for people arriving at the airport after the news.

    A dog named Palma

    While Palma continues to look for his boss at the airport until it reaches a year but Igor still hasn’t arrived. The minister ordered airport staff to fence off Palma just outside the runway,Kolya felt sorry for the dog because the minister was taking advantage of his condition.

    A dog named Palma 2021 movie (recap)

    While Palma stopped eating anything and after the examination the Doctor said that he has depression and he will only overcome it when he sees Igor again.

    A dog named Palma movie

    One night while it was raining heavily Kolya discovered that Palma was sad he approached Palma and tried to convince Palma to come with him but dog refused. Then Kolya told the dog everything he loved in life was leaving him. First his mother and now Palma then he took off his jacket and covered Palma to keep warm and they both spent the night in the middle of the loud rain.

    A dog named Palma movie

    The next morning Palma became more energetic and happy than before,. Kolya was so happy to see the dog playing with him that he brought it to his house. At home Vyacheslav received a call from the department and informed him that Igor had arrives to pick up Palma so he immediately headed to the airport.

    A dog named Palma

    Kolya refuses to give Palma to Igor because he love the dog but his father tells him that he belongs to someone else and if he really loves him he should let him go. Kolya agrees and as they get out of the car they dare the minister to summon some reporters for live coverage of Igor’s return to gain sympathy for himself.

    A dog named Palma 2021 movie (recap)

    After a while Igor arrives and saw Palma waiting for him then Kolya gave the dog to Igor even though it was against his will. The Pilot talked to Igor and asked him to leave Palma in exchange for the money he would give. Igor also explained that he didn’t want to take Palma either but the minster forced him to do it and threatened him if he didn’t do it

    A dog named Palma

    In the next scene Palma struggles and tries to escape but the security personnel force him to board the plane. However the pilot of the same plane Vyacheslav refused to fly the plane. The airport manager threatened the pilot that he would lose his license because of what he was doing but Vyacheslav did not listen to her and got off the plane because of this the manager was forced to hire another pilot to fly the plane.

    Meanwhile, One of the flight attendant approached Igor and asked him for Palma’s medical report to allow him to travel but it seemed that Igor could not show any documents. The minister got angry with the manager and ordered him to allow the plane to take off as soon as possible but the manager replied that the rules must be followed. She also said that she would not allow Palma to fly on the plane without a medical report because of this Igor released Palma and told the minister that he might have made a mistake and that it was not his dog.

    A dog named Palma 2021 movie (recap)

    In the last scene, Palma runs out of the plane meet Kolya who is waiting for him outside. They hugged and were very happy to see each other again and this is where our story ends.

    Main Cast of A dog named Palma

    Viktor Dobronravov
    Vyacheslav Lazarev
    Leonid Basov
    Kolya Lazarev
    Valeriya Fedorovich
    Yan Tsapnik
    Igor Polskiy
    Vladimir Simonov
    Ivan Lysko


    1. When was A dog named Palma released?
      • March 2021
    2. How long is A dog named Palma?
      • 1 hour and 50 minutes
    3. Who stars in A dog named Palma?
      • Viktor Dobronravov (Vyacheslav Lazarev)
      • Leonid Basov (Kolya Lazarev)
    4. Who directed A dog named Palma?
      • Aleksandr Domogarov
    5. What genre is A dog named Palma?
      • Drama
      • Family
    6. Who was the editor of A dog named Palma?
      • Aleksandr Domogarov
      • Andrei Solodovnikov
      • Maxim Smirnov
    7. What is A dog named Palma rated?
      • 6+

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