Fall Movie 2022
It is about best friends Becky and Hunter, Who love to climb high places. They climbed a 2000ft high tower at the top of an abandoned radio tower. They were stranded there and had no way to get down. So what are you waiting for? Watch this movie, you will definitely like the story.
I’m not afraid of heights, but this movie gave me an exciting, breathtaking, scary and intense story. Very vell done by producer, director, co-writter and the characters who acted in the scene was also very good. This movie is hour and 47 minutes long. Directed by: Scott Mann.

The film begins with three (3) people climbing a steep cliff. They are Becky, Dan, and Hunter. The progress of their ascent was going well at first but when Dan was about to put on the grip, it seemed that something attacked his hand causing him to lose his balance and fall, luckily there was still a rope tied to him but he was not able to cling to the mountain again, so he just softened. He told Becky to remove his rope so that the rope would be longer, but because of that the rope that was attached to the rock was shocked and it slowly loosened, but before he could cling to the mountain it suddenly loosened causing him to completely fell of the cliff.
After 51 weeks, Becky still can’t move on from what happend to his husband Dan, She always call his number to hear his voice even if it just recording. Later, when she was going home she saw her father so he reprimaded him. He said that she needs to move on and not let her life be ruined just because of what happened. He also said that maybe if she was the one who fell by this time Dan would have forgotten what happened to her, because of that Becky got angry with her father and told him not to bother her anymore.
After she got home Hunter called her and after that she came to her house, she greeted her and that’s when Becky found ot that her father called her because he didn’t know what to do woth her. That’s when hunter told her that her father was just worried because the tragedy happened almost one (1) year ago. She even siad that she help Becky to move on and she will accompany her to climb a Radio tower that has a height of 2000Ft but Becky had second thoughts because since then she has not climbed anymore. Hunter said that her friend understands but it will help her fight the fear of losing Dan.
The next day, Becky talked to her friend and told her that she was willing to go climb the tower. After that, they immediately went to where the tower was. The next day they stopped at a store and they asked the waitress if she knew where the tower was because they couldn’t see it on the map and the waitress said they didn’t need the map because you can see it from here. She pointed to the blinking red light and said that it was the Radio Tower, the two (2) amazed because it was obvious that it had really high. After a while Hunter handed over the charger and she remove the light bulb at the same time she plugged in the charger, Becky was amazed at the lifehack she saw.

The next day they went to the said tower and when they arrived at the entrance there was a warning that trespassing was prohibited but they ignored it and they entered the tower. While they were walking they saw a dead animal being eaten by a large bird and later they even reached the bottom of the tower. Hunter made a video and said they were climb the tower while showing how tall it was. When they were about to start Becky suddenly got scared and said that she might not be able to climb, but Hunter encouraged her to allow them to start climbing. Hunter took a rope and tied it to her, while the other end was tied to Becky. After that they started climbing the tower.
Hunter was very happy as they climbed the tower while Becky was nervous because she had been traumatized since Dan fell. When they were in the middle of their ascent suddenly a part of the ladder came loose and it fell down. Becky saw that they were already very high but they continued to climb even though that happened. For a few moments we can even see that with each step they take, there is a screw that gradually loosens. But tje two had no idea that it was already happening. Later it was even shown that some of the steel there ws already rusted and it seemed that they were about to break. Eventually, as they continued to climb, they reached the top of the tower. They were so happy with what they could see that they even took a selfie there and they flew a drone to take a video that they reached the top of the tower. While taking the video Hunter thought about holding a platform and that’s when the breathtaking stant she did was captured by the droned. When she got up she told Becky to do the same. At first, Becky didn’t want to because she still afraid but she agreed and did it. Hunter supported her and it didn’t take long for becky to do the stant. When becky go up again they were both very happy to look at the pictures they had taken and later Becky even took out Dan’s ashes and that’s when she thought she had to move on. So she sprinkled its ashes on the top of that tower

After that they both decide to go down from the tower. Becky went down first but before she had gone far, the stairs suddenly started to shake and eventually they got untied and fell to the bottom. Fortunately she was tied to Hunter so she was able to pull Becky up. When Becky got back up, she was in a panic because they didn’t know how they were going to get down if the stairs were gone. She tried to look at her cellphone but there was no signal because the place was so high. After a while they even noticed that their bag containing water had fallen on a satellite disk there.
They looked for tools to help retrieve it and there they found a telescope and a flaregun. Hunter used a telescope to see if anyone had seen what happened but she didn’t see anything. Later, Hunter noticed that Becky’s thigh was injured so she immediately tied it up so that it wouldn’t bleed to much. While they were at the top they thought of tying the cellphone and making a post and when it caught a signal it would automatically post. They slowly lowered the cellphone towards satellite disk but it didn’t reach there. When they pulled the rope, they saw that it was not posted. After that they thought of putting the cellphone in the shoe and wrapping iit with something so that it won’t be damaged when it falls. They did this because they knew there as a signal below and this was the only way they could call for help.
That’s when it was shown that they dropped the shoe. After that Hunter noticed that there was a person and a dog downstairs, They shouting but he couldn’t hear them. It was shown that the dog was smelling the shoe and that is when it was seen that the cellphone was damaged. The dog notice that he was hearing someone yelling but suddenly his master called him. Because of that Becky thought of throwing her shoe too. It made a noise causing the dog o return and the man followed but when he saw the shoe he threw it away because he didn’t see anyone else there.
At night, The two (2) decided to fire the flaregun and the man they saw earlier noticed it. They approached the car thinking that he would help them but the man just stole their car and left them there and didn’t even help while they were there. The two (2) talked and Becky found out that she was also a hookup by Dan. Hunter apologized and said that she regretted it and immediately stopped whatever it was because she didn’t want to hurt Becky badly. She even siad that when Dan died, she couldn’t approach Becky because she didn’t know how to deal with it.

So she thought of going far away and now they are trapped at the top of the tower that she is responsible for. In the next scene Hunter decided to go down to get the bag because they had been there for a day and they needed to drink water or they would die of thirst. Even though it was dangerous Hunter did that, shw slowly went down but when she got to the end she couldn’t reach the bag so she thought of removing the rope from her and she just held on to it and stretched until she reached the satellite disk. She took the bag and drank for a while and after that she hung the bag on the rope through the monopad after that she jumped and it was good she just stuck to it, That’s when Becky pulled the rope to the top while hunter was trying to climb up, Hunter was about to get to the stairs when she let go of the rope, Becky peeled in and saw that Hunter was still clinging to the rope, that’s when she pulled up again and she was able to pull Hunter up. After going up, She immediately took the water and drank.

Next they thought to write on the paper and they twisted it to drown but when they were flying it. It suddenly warned that it was going to collapse so they didn’t continue that and just sent the drone back. Becky later went up to the top abd removed the light bulb that was there and did the lifehack she learned from Hunter to charge the drone. She needs to charge the drone so they can call for help Becky stays in that position until some big birds come to her and they attack her. When she saw that the drone was fully charged, She hurried back down to the platform. After landing, they made the plan and flew it to the store they went to before they went up the tower but suddenly the drone was run over by a big truck because it was damaged there and the driver didn’t notice the damage drone so it left that they really lost hope at that time because there was no drowning that could have helped them.

After a while the weather suddenly the weather is not good and that’s when hunter told Becky to that no matter what happens she should not sleep because the big bird was just waiting for an opportunity for her to fall asleep to attack her thigh which was still bleeding.
That’s when Becky thougt of putting her cellphone in her shoe and dropping it to ask for help but Hunter said that she can’t give it because it’s downstairs, Becky was surprised by what Hunter siad and later saw it she said that the Hunter was dead and that she died when she let go of the rope earlier. It turns out that she was hallucinating that her friend was still alive from earlier when she realized this she cried a lot.

In the next scene she thought of going to sleep and soon the big bird came She used that opportunity to catch the bird and kill it for something to eat. After that she decided too go down to find Hunter’s body. When she got there she apologized to the lifeless Hunter for what she was going to do. There is was shown that she took Hunter’s shoe and grabbed his cellphone. Later, she shoved the shoe into Hunter’s body and dropped it to make sure the cellphone wouldn’t damaged when it fell.

And in the last scene, Becky father came to the tower and there were a lot of police and medics with him. He saw a body being put in a body bag and he thought it was her daughter and that’s why he was sad but Becky suddenly called him and he was happy because he found out that her daughter was still alive. In the end the tower was shown here while there were man cars there.

Fall Cast
Grace Caroline Currey aka Becky |
Virginia Gardner aka Hunter |
Mason Gooding aka Dan |
Jeffrey Dean Morgan aka James Conner Becky’s Father |
Antonina Khyzhniak |
Jasper Cole aka Steve |
Julia Pace Mitchell aka Diner Server |
Darrell Dennis aka Randhir Ahuja |
Bamm Ericsen aka Police Officer |
Ratings of Fall Movie All in All
⭐⭐⭐⭐✰ 4/5