Spider-man: Across the Spider Verse
This movie is 2hours and 20 minutes. It is an Animation/Action-Adventure/SCci-fi. Directed by: Joaquim Dos Santos, Justin K. Thompson, Kemp Powers.
Movie Summary

The story begins with Gwen Stacy who is currently it their Universe and play drums while explaining what happened to her friend Miles Morales. She admitted here that she hurt Miles and continued to play loudly but her bandmates told her that thesong was over and they wanted to talk about what wrong with her, but Gewn angrily said that she didn’t want to talk about it and immediately left her friends.
Then Gwen remember her bestfriend at the time. Peter Parker who drank the serum and turned into a huge lizard that attacked their Fromnight. It is good that Gwen stopped and fought it as spider-woman but when she defeated him it was too late when she found out that it was Peter who also wanted to be special like her and had already lost his life when suddenly his father ame there that is Captain . George Stacy who thought spider-woman killed Peter.
A few months later, Capt.Stacy responded to a museum that is currently being attacked by the Super-Villain Vulture, spider-woman also went to it and caught most of the police including her father because they were also chasing her. A few moments later, Gwen quickly attacked in the museum bu Vulture and she notices that this is not their Vulture and that she probably came from another universe that accidentally came to them.

Spider-woman continued to fight this super villain there but soon she was able to hit against the wall and was about to finish her but Spiderman 2099 quickly stopped him coming out of the Multiverse Portal and forcefully kicked out Vulture. This Miguel O’Hara or Spideman 2099 who is the leader of an Elite Strike Force that maintains the security of the multiverse and uses a multiversal travel watch to travel across universes, but Vulture suddenly attacked them agian and while fighting it, Miguel explained to Gwen that because of what they did with Kingspin’s Collider they created a hole in the universes and because of this many creatures suddenly go to another dimension.
Now he did nothing but return them all to their universes before the entire Multiverse collapsed. For a few moments Miguel cut off one of the Vulture wing’s but it has ability “hammerspace” which able to return the severed part of the body. Miguel called for a backup from his AI Layla and another spider-woman Jessica Drew, quickly went there.
Gwen kicked Vulture hard but later it was able to blow through the roof of the museum and fly out of there. Miguel was about to bite Vultre on the neck but the police arrived there in a helicopter. Vulture attacks the helicopter but it hits him and Gwen sees that it will knock people down including her father so she quickly blocks the helicopter with her massive webbing and takes the police inside then stop it Gwen’s helicopter with Jessica and Miguel crashed into the museum.
Miguel has already caught Vulture and Gwen is very weak for what she did but her father arrived and she has run out of webs to stop him. Capt.Stacy forced spider-woman to surrender to the crime of killing Peter but because there was no other choice, Gwen showed her father that she was spider-woman and said that she did not know that Peter was the lizard and there was no other way to prevent it, Capt.Stacy was very surprised by this and realized that Gwen has lied to him for along time but he still insisted on arresting Gwen but iguel quickly stopped him and locked Capt.Stacy in his device.
When Miguel and they left the place, Jessica told him that they couldn’t leave Gwen there especially in her current situation and Gwen also said that she didn’t know how t fix her situation, even though it was hard. She gave him by Miguel of Multiversal travel watch and invited them to join.
While Miles Morales in his Universe has been a superhero for over one (1) year, suddenly spiderman is the supervillain “Spot” using the body portal in his body to steal from an ATM, Miles immeadiately confronts him but he is texted of his father Jeff Davis who is currently waiting for him at their school with his mother at the guidance councilor’s offfice.

It is good that Miles fought the sopt and he thought it was a just low class supervillain and he even managed to reply to his father while fighting with Spot until Miles managed to bing Spot with his webs using his portals in buildings. Then he went to the guidance councilor’s office and the female councilor told him that because of his grades he can attend college at Princeton University in New Jersey which is has the highest Physic’s Program in the country and Miles was happy because he could studied there.
How to travel to another universe but his parebts did not approve of it because it was far from their city Brooklyn. while Spot escaped from Miles web which he immediately sensed so he lfet there, Even his father also lef because of the incident that Spot did that he heard on their radio.
But as the fight between Miles and Spot continued they ended up in the ruined former facility of “ALCHEMAX” and the collider machine while they were fighting Miles here. Spot explained that he used to be a scientist of Alchemax who took a “Radioactive Spider” from another universe that Miles escaped and was bitten, is he the scientist he threw a Bagel at and when Miles blew up the collider there he was also there because Miles said he lost his job, his face and ruined his life.
In a rage Spot released a lot of portals and when he got close to spiderman he kicked himself and fell into his own portal suddenly Spot went to a place full of portals anf he notice that his portals was able to transport him to different universes but when Spot returned to the destroyed facility he noticed that he had run out of portals in his body.
In the next scene, Miles father Jeff holds a celebration because of is upcoming promotio as a police captain and his mother orders Miles to buy a cake for the celebration, but because of the number of bad people he has to fight in by the time he brought the cake late to the party it was already broken. His parents asked him why he was often late for everything but Miles couldn’t tell them that he was spiderman until they had an argument and jeff decided to grouded Miles for two (2) months becasue of Miles was so annoyed that he entered his room but while he was lying there.
A Multiverse portal suddenly appeared above him and Gwen came out of it. Gwen asked Miles to go out there even though he was grounded, He went with wen as they swished around the city, the girl told him about Miguel and the spider society as well as they had caused by destroying Kingpin’s collider in the past. Gwen secretly plant a device in a building to investigate Spot creating an anomaly in the Universe.
After they talked about their struggles as superheroes. They went to Miles father’s party and they ate on one side but they immediately approached there by Miles parent’s. The teenager introduced Gwen to her parents suddenly Guanda but after a while Gwen’s device alerted nd she immediately said goodbye to themm and left there and this made Miles very sad.
Miles mother noticed his sadness so she allowed him to follow Gwen eventhough he was grounded which made Miles happy. The teenager chased after Gwen who saw that Spot’s entire apartment was destroyed, Miles followed him in there invisible and Gwen used her device to replay what happened in the apartment. He saw Spot build a small version collider and put himself into the machine’s forces and the portal absorbed all over the apartment.
Jessica suddenly went there to find out what happened but Gwen said that Spot escapde because she said hello to his friend there for a while. Jessica asked the AI Layla to find where Spot was and if it found out everything he went to Universe had a company Alchemax until Layla found Spot in earth-50101 jessica told Gwen she only has one hour to fix that and Gwen immediately went to this universe and then Miles followed her.
When she got there Gwen saw Spot and was about to attack but Miles suddenly appeared to her so Spot immediately kicked her, quickly Miles saved Gwen but her suddenly glitched so they both fell from the air. The local spideman “Pavitr Phabhakar” immediately saved them.
Then it started the sequence of the machine and Miles immediately absorbed the energy of the barrier but he was having a lot of trouble with it until Spiderpunk or Hobie brown came there who immediately destroyed the energy ofthe barrier with his guitar and then he told Miles to use his palms as well but even though the four (4) of them worked together to fight Spot it still manaed to knock them all down and when the collider started Spot came to it and Miles stopped him but it cut their web and sent itself into the force of the collider.
Then the machine exploded loudly thrpughout the facility and Miles sees the Future of his father and Spot. The stronger Spot said that he would take everything from Miles the way he took everything from him. Miles immediately left the collapsing alchemax building and the large part of the building that was falling into the city was stopped by spiderpunk and Gwen with all their might while Miles and spiderman india removed the civilians that would fall from the building.
Soon it falls apart and Miles continue to save people from tragedy. A few moment later the bus Gayatri’s girlfriend was riding was about to fall so he quickly saved her. Miles saw that the inspector who is gayatri;s father is also in danger after saving the child and was about to approach him but Gwen stopped him.
The teenager did not hold back and quickly saved the inspector as well as the child. When the tragedy was over, Gayatri’s thanked Miles and the people were very happy for him. A quantum hole appeared there which was immediately visited by the spider society’a big ship and then various spider people tried to fix it.
Jessica said that Miguel wanted to talk to Gwen with Milesw at HQ. When they went to Nueva York earth-928, Miles was very amazed to go to the spider society and see countless spider people there. Miles glitched for a while jessica immediately gave him a small device so he wouldn’t glicht again. Then they passed there a lot of super villains who ended up in another dimension captured by the spider society.
Later the teenager on the way to met Margo Kess or spider-byte who manages their go home machine that returns any creature to their dimension using DNA. In the next scene when Miles confronts Miguel he angrily says that he created another hole in the multiverse, Suddenly Peter B. Parker defends him with his daughter Mayday. Then Miguel decided to show Miles the visual of the spider-verse where the “Canon events” that are part of the story of every spiderman are mostly good, some are bad and some are very bad.
According to Miguel that the canon events connected with the death of the police captains are sticking to their lives. Gayatri dimension is in danger because the death of the inspector that Miles saved earlier is a cannon event and Miles shouldn’t be there that he shouldn’t saved him so Gwen stopped him previously Miguel had seen the Universe that the his version here is happy but after a while this entire universe was destroyed including all the people here.
Miles realizes that he saw in the future that Spot will kill his father and Miguel says that it will happen in two (2) days or when he promises to be a Police Captain.
The teenager siad that he doesn’t believe in Miguel’s algorithm and plans to stop Spot but Miguel replied that he can’t go home first and quickly locked Miles in his device but Miles used his venom strike to blow up Miguel’s device and Miguel’s quickly ran there and told everyone to chase spiderman which caused confusion to all the spider people there.
While teenager was running inside the spider society, he was attacked by some weird creatures spider rex and spider cat. The young man continued run from Miguel throughout New Yor City and for a few moment, Peter B. Parker suddenly caught him from a hidden place and convince him to stop running to the spider society because he couldn’t defeat them
Until Miguel found out their location’s from Peter’s device all the spider people immediately went there. Later, Miles caught Jessica on a bus ut Miguel chased him and took the device out of his hand and he started glitching there but Miles was good and fought Miguel and hit him in the face while the two (2) were fighting on the way Miguel explained that he was really an anomaly in the multiverse because the spider that bit him was from another universe that he shouldn’t be able to bite and he shouldn’t be spiderman but Peter came to them and said that they talked about it that means they know Peter about Miles.
So they didn’t visit him in his universe and Miles felt betrayed by his friends including Gwen. The teenager said that he was able to send all the spider people there, then he absorbed Miguel’s enery and expelled it with a force/ Miles said goodbye to Gwen and jumped back to the spider society facility while invisible. He activate the go home machine scrolls his DNA and it starts to take Miles to their universe but Miguel comes there immediately and stop Miles with all his strength in the machine when Margo reboots the machine she sees Miles there and she didn’t do it.
Miles left because of that Miguel poured all his anger on Gwen for not being able to stop Miles ealier. Then he decided to also put Gwen in the go home machine to send her back to her universe. When Gwen arrived in their universe she noticed that she no longer acccess to her device and when wen met her father at home. She found out that he had resigned from his job .WHich meant that he was no longer the Police Captain who would die in the canon event.
Gwen’s father showed a box that a man had left there and it turned out to be Hobie’s multiversal travel watch which Gwen immediately used and said goodbye to her father. Meanwhile Miguel and others went to Miles universe to stop him but since thay couldn’t see the teenager there and they followed his father.
Meanwhile, Miles has already returned home and immediately kissed his mother. Then he expalined that the evil creature that was his enemy Spot was coming to them and he revealed to the mother that he was spiderman but she didn’t know spiderman and thought he was just imitating something from the comics. After a while Miles was taken away from his mother and suddenly he had a glitch ther and he realiazed that the fo home machine took him to earth-42 because one that bit his spider mixed with his DNA was from there.
Soon Aaron Davids of that dimension came there and Miles immediately hugged him but he noticed that there was something different about him, he invited him to go to their rooftop and saw that the version of his father was dead there then there was suddenly punched him hard. While Gwen followed Miles to their universe and went to his room but the girl immediately noticed that Miles went to another dimension.
Soon Miles woke up tied to a punching bag and was approached by the prowler of the universe that.He asked him if his father was still alive which Miles confirmed then he saw that he was the Miles Morales of that dimension much to the teenager’s surprise. In the next scene Spot laments it their universe and at that moment, Gwen creates a group of her own with the spider people who are their friends to fight Miguel and help Miles stop Spot while teenager prepares to escape his bond.
The end.
Cast Voice Over
Shameik Moore aka Miles Morales Earth-1610 | Jason Schwartzman aka Spot |
Oscar Isaac aka Miguel/spiderman 2099 | Shea Whingham aka George Stacy Earth-65 |
Hailee Steinfeld aka Gwen Stacy Earth-65 | Greta Lee aka AI Layla |
Bryan Tyree Henry aka Jeff Morales Earth-1610 | Amandla Stenberg aka Margo kess Earth-22191 |
Luna Lauren Velez aka Rio Morales Earth-1610 | Daniel Kaluuya aka Spiderman-Punk Earth-138 |
Mahershia Ali aka Aaron Davis Earth-42 | Tobey Maguire aka Peter Parker Earth 616 |
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