3 idiots Movie (Recap)

3 idiots is a comedy and indian drama film by Rajkumar Hirani. The movie has length of 2 hours and 50 minutes. It is about (3) three friends who met since entering college and the course they took was engineering. After their graduation they never saw Rancho that’s why they didn’t stop until they saw him. That’s why the (2) two friends search for they long lost friend. They look back on their college days and reminisce about their friend who inspired them to think differently , even when the rest of the world laughed at them as “IDIOTS”.

The story begins with FARHAN who is 30 years old, who is currently on a plane that only has to wait a few minutes before departure. He received a call from someone and the news shocked him so much that when the place took off he immediately stood up and tried to go to the stewardess but before he could do so his chest suddenly hurt and he lost conciousness. The pilot immediately returned the plane to the runaway and rushed Farhan out in a wheelchair. Farhan opened his eyes for a while confirming that his heart attact was fake. He did a few jumping jacks and told the Doctor he was fine before running away. He immediately went to the house of his friend RAJU and called him and said that their (3rd) third friend RANCHO has returned to town.

Raju is as shocked by the news as it was by Farhan. He quickly put on his clothes and ran outside with his shoes in hand. When the friends meet Farhan reminds him that he forgot to put on his pants but they don’t seem to care because the missing pants is nothing compared to being reunited with their long lost friend Rancho.

They went to their old engineering college and met there the man CHATUR, their rival in college, an arrogant and deceitful person. It turns out that chatur made a bet with Farhan and his group when they were still in college. They decide to meet after 10 years on the 5th of September to see who is the most successful of them all. While everyone forgot about the useless bet but Chatur remembered it and took them to the same place again. It was also immediately revealed that he is also Vice-President of Rock Bridge Corporation and one of the millionaires. The (2) two don’t care about his accomplishments and just want to se Rancho. Here it is revealed that Rancho suddenly left after college and has not bee contact them since then. They have given up looking for him after several unsuccessful searches when they are about to beat up Chatur for wasting their time he mentions that Rancho is in Shimla.

He wanted to bring the (2) two together so they could all meet to show them how far he had come in life. Farhan and Raju are willing to go with her and don’t care even if they try to prove that she is better than them. A flashback is shown in the past where Farhan enters college for his freshmen year. He and Raju are given a room to share and Rancho is with them.

Farhan and Raju have their own problems, Farhan doesn’t want to be an engineer and he is only doing it because of his father while Raju is very afraid of the future which makes it difficult for him to conccentrate on the present but Rancho is different. They first saw Rancho when the seniors were bullying them on their first night in college. It is traditional for the seniors to undress the freshman boys and make them submit to each other as it is considered a way for the freshmen to show respect to their elders. Perhaps it was also a way to show their hosted hemosexuality wihtout being punished while others quietly follwed the tradition Rancho did not.

He locked himself inside his room and refused to come out even after the leader of the bullies threatened to teach him a lesson. The bully was about to urinate in front of his door but Rancho was smarter than all of them. He cut the electric wire from a spoon and slowly placed it under the door when the bully urinated on it he was electrocuted. Everyone laughed and admired his brilliant idea. Farhan and Raju were also impressed by Rancho’s unique personality.

Next, we were intoduced to the Dean Viru known as Virus among the students. He is a typical person who thinks that life is a carrer and students should always follow in order for them to succed. One of the things Virus hates the most is wasting time every year Virus gathers the freshmen students and gives them a speech about the special “PEN” he got from his teacher. The pen used by astronauts was invented by scientists after several years of research and can write in space.
He has been waiting for a long time to give the pen to an extraordinary student like him but in 20 years of his career he has not found a student who is worthy of it. Virus gives the same speech to every batch of students throughout his life the college students have never asked him before but this time Rancho asks that instead of a pen why don’t the astronauts use a pencil. Virus was surprised b what he heard and the only answer he had was that he would return to Rancho’s question.

After the speech the school janitor and the young employee named MILLIMETER praised Rancho for his inquiry. Rancho gave him some money to buy a school uniform and advised him to enter any class without being noticed. Farhan is amazed by the interesting personality but Raju thinks it will only cause trouble for them. Rancho is not like most students who just obey the professors. He makes his own questions, emphasizes his own answers and loves engineering but his attentiveness is mistaken for mischief by the teachers so he is often sent out of class but Rancho sits in a different class after being sent out in one.

He went to college not for a diploma but to learn and this is an extraordinary life lesson that we should all learn. There is also someone like him in college and he is ROY who is 4th year student he made an amazing project but Virus doesn’t want to see it because Roy is late for the submission day. He also called Roy’s father and blunty said that his son would not graduate. The news is very heavy on the expectant father but Virus doesn’t care about it. He was damant that Roy would not given a second chance. Roy abandoned his project and eventually Rancho got it. Rancho saw that the machine was modern and needed pnly minor repairs.

For the next few weewks he worked on the project until it was finished when he flew the drone in Roy’s room but they were shocked by what they saw. They run inside and find out that the young man has committed suicide. At his funeral Rancho thells Virus that Roy was killed by the college system because of the pressure on the students. Virus took Ranchos’s comment so personally that he wrote a letter to Farhan and Raju’s parents and informed them that Rancho is a bad influence on their children.

Next day there were sent to Farhan’s father’s house and Rancho was told to stay away from his son. Rancho ignored her words in awe of the wildlife photographs on the wall. Turns out Farhan wanted to be a wildlife photographer but took up engineering because of his father. Rancho tries to convince Farhan’s father but it is not enough to end his shallow principles.

After this they go to Raju’s house and find out that his family is very poor. His father is retired and bedridden while her sister is getting o;der but no one wants to marry her. The responsibility of the family depends on Raju. That’s why he is always afraid of the future.

Later the (3) three guests pretend to be at a wedding to enjoy a lot of food. Rancho notices a woman named PIA and her Fiance talking about her watch. In their conversation it is clear that the man SUHAS is a materialistic person and will only marry her for his state. Rancho tells Pia what he thinks of Suhas and throws the dressing on his shoes to prove how materialistic he is as expected Suhas shouts the price of his shoes and yells at the waiter for soiling them.Intrigued by Rancho’s personality, Pia did some research and found out that he was a student of her father Virus. Unfortunately for the friends the wedding they went to was of Virus eldest daughter.

The night before the exam, Chatur placed adult magazines in each room in an attempt to distract them. When Rancho found out about this he decided to teach him a lesson. One day Chatur was invited to give a “HINDI” speech for a charity event but because he was not well versed ub the language of HINDI he memorized the speech wihtout understanding a single word. What she doesn’t know is that Rancho changes the some important words such as the BREAST and ABUSE. On the day of the event he was not aware that he was insulting the VIP’s with his funny sppech after being embarrassed by what happened Chatur was so angry he challenged his friend to a bet which of them would be the most successful in 10 years ad wrote September 5 on the wall.

One day Racho met Pia and Suhas outside the jewelry store Suhas bought him an expesive watch . Rancho did an experiment and Pia pretended that he lost the watch, Suhas lost control of himself and called her stupid and shoed again his materialistic nature. Pia break up with him after getting his watch back.

Ranchos gets a call and accidentally heart attack Raju’s father. He and Pia drive to Raju’s house amd take Raju’s father to the hospital just in time to save his life. Raju is very grateful and apologizes to his friend. Pia sees how important his friend is to Rancho and starts to like him.

Next day, exam results in the first semester. Farhan and Raju are in the lowest position but they are still happy because they did not failed. They were surprised to see Rancho in the first position. The saddest of all was Chatur and Virus who were angry at Ranho’s behavior. Virus was photograph with the passing students while standing next to the First and Second rank in the class.

Presently,Raju and Farhan reach Shimla with Chatur to see Rancho. They reach his house according to Chatur’s location and find out that Rancho’s father died that morning. Wjile everyone was mourning they approached a man but their confusion the man who introduced himself as Rancho was a different person. They went back to a nearby restaurant to think about their next move as they talked Chatur mentioned a great scientist and inventor named WANGDU would signing a multi-million dollar deal with his company next week.
The (2) two don’t care about what he says is a scientist and just want to nkow why Rancho’s identity was stolen. They return to the house and ask the fake Rancho about the real Rancho. The man pulled out a gun to scare them, This made Chatur run like a coward but Farhan and Raju remained standing. They also threatened to throw his father’s ashes down the toilet if he didn’t tell the truth. The man reveals that he is the real Rancho and that the man they went to college is their gardener’s son who they call CHOTE, he does Rancho’s assignment and studies for him.
When Rancho’s father found out he let Chote continue because he needed an education and Rancho needed a diploma. This way Chote has to come back after graduation because he promised not to contact anyone. When they found out his new address they left to search again.
When they were in their last year of college they were nervous about the Job Recruitment being held while giving speech about the recuitment. Virus insults Farhan and Raju declares that they will not get jobs. He called them losers and humuliated them in fornt of many people.

That night the (3) three get drunk in anger while Rancho drunkenly informs that Farhan has a letter in his bag addressed to his favorite photographer. He also calls Raju a coward for constantly worrying about the future. Raju and Farhan promise that they will do what Rancho says if he confesses to Pia. They went to Virus house and entered Pia’s room. Only to find out taht he was talking to his pregnant sister MONA.

Both woen were impressed with his proposal. Virus woke up later and saw a urine in front of his door. He also noticed Raju’s face in the darkness. The (3) three were so drunk that they fell asleep in the classeroom and woke up a few hours later. While everyone ws studying. Virus came and found out that Raju was still drunk. Later Raju is called to his office and told that he will be expelled. He begged the dean to give him a chance but Virus refused with no hope left for a good life. Raju did the unthinkable by jumping out of the window.

Next scene, Farhan and Rancho rush him to the hospital, luckily he survived bt now he’s paralyzed. Pia informs that Raju can see and hear them. So they should act happy so tha he can recover quickly. From that day Rancho and Farhan did everything to get Raju back. They gave a party for him, told fake news that might cheer him up,m, bought a dress for her mother that she had wanter for a long time and said that her expulsion was terminated but even with that good news he was not reinstated.

One day Rancho lied that Farhan was going to marry his sister who was desperate to get married. The new’s lifted Raju’s paralyzed. In his first words he calls them mischievous and asks them to stop lying. After this he recovered in no time. On the day of recuitment Farhan received a letter from his favorite photographer invitinf him to be his assistant. All he had to do now was ask his father’s permission. Raju also gave up all his fortune rings and bravely went to the interview.

He told the interviewers about his bad grades and the reason he was about to be fired because his reality was unlike any interviewer had ever seen so he was given a job. Whereas after a passionate conversation Farhan convinced his father to let him take up photography. After the communion, Farhan and Raju took off their pants in front of Rancho to pay respect according to the tradition of the college. But Virus who is sure to be defeated by Raju,does not accept what is happening.
While drunk he told his children that he will make the question in the exam and he will make it the most difficult of all. Pia was worried for the friends so she brought them Virus second key to the office and encouraged them to steal the question paper.

Meanwhile, they call Pia to thell her that they have found Rancho but they discover that she is getting married in a few hours. They deviated from the original route to pick up Pia. Pua refused to go with them at first even though she was still in love with Rancho. She sits next to her future husband only to find out that the man behind the headwear is Raju. He takes the place of the boyfriend in a desperate attempt to convice Pia. They ran away while the audience watched them in shock.
Flashback, The night before the Final Exam Farhan and Rancho have a plan to steal the question papers. They wouldn’t do it for themselves but they were afraid that Raju might to something stupid if he didn’t pass that’s why they stole the questions paper. When Raju gets hold

Virus got suspicious so he entered their room and found the queston paper on the floor. He immediately expelled the (3) three. The friends had no choice but top ack their things and leave th school. When Virus returns home, Pia reveals that her eldest sibling did not actually have an accident, he committed suicide because Virus forced him to become an engineer. After telling the new immediately Pia left the house.

Mona labored for a while but the flood was deep in the City so Virus could not take her to hospital. Rancho saw this when he was out and prepared to help them. Pia ordered her over the phone to lay Mona down on the table tennis. They ordered Mona to push hard but she was getting waek and could barely beathe. The pnly way to get the baby out was by using a device called Vaccum Cup. Pia shows them a demonstration of the device on the computer and it gives Rancho an idea.

He thinks he can make the device using things he can find around the building. After much work he finally created a makeshift Vaccum CUp and used it on Mona, Mona eventually gave birth to a healthy baby who only cried a minute after his birth.

Rancho was about to leave but Virus stopped him and gave him the astronaut’s pen that he was supposed to give to an exceptional student. He also answered Rancho’s question to him before and said that the pencit could not be used in space because it would be dangerous if it floated around. At the end of the night he forgave the students and let them take the final exam.

In the next scene, The friends graduated and Rancho again topped the class. But while the ceremony was going on Rancho took a taxi wihtout saying goodbye. This was the last time Farhan saw her and Raju tried to contact her over the years but couldn’t find her. But they had hope now that they had his exact address.

When they arrived at the place, they learned that it was a school where Rancho taught while looking for him they found the janitor Millimeter who is now a young man. Millimeter tells them that Rancho took her to his school so that she can get a proper education.

The next scene is Pia drive a motorcycle to Rancho who is teaching his other students by the lake. He approached Rancho and slapped him in the face before kissing him. It wasn’t long before Farhan and Raju cooperated with her abandonment but they understood that he had to fulfill his promise to the real Rancho.

When the group regrouped, Chatur also joined them and made fun of Rancho because he was just a teacher. He compared Millions of salaries. Seing that Virus’s pen was in Rancho’s possession, he took it. The group asks Rancho’s rel name and is surprised to know that he is the inventor Wandu expected to sign a deal with Chatur. Wangdu calls him from his number and informs him that he cannot sign without cannot sign without his pen.
The Final scene, Chatur apologizes to her and lower his pants as a mark of respect as per their old tradition.
The End.
Watch this movie, you will definitely like this movie too. You will laugh and cry and you will also lear something from it.\
Cast of 3 Idiots
Aamir Khan (Fake Rancho/Wangdu) |
Madhavan (Farhan) |
Sharman Joshi (Raju) |
Kareena Kapoor (Pia) |
Boman Irani (Viru/Virus) |
Omi Vaidya (Chatur) |
Mona Singh (Mona) |
Jaaved Jaaferi (Real Rancho) |
Parikshit Sahni (Farhan’s Father) |
Olivier Lafont (Suhas) |
Rahul Kumar (Millimeter) |
Amardeep Jha (Raju’s Mother) |
Farida Dadi (Farhan’s father) |
Mukund Bhatt (Raju’s father) |
Chaitali Bose (Raju’s sister) |