Atlas Movie 2024
The movie is about great analyst who has a deep distrust of AI (Artificial Intelligence) due to a treacherous robot. This movie is directed by Brad Peyton and the length is 1 hour and 58 minutes. The genre of the movie is Action, Adventure and drama starring Jennifer Lopez (Atlas Shepherd).

Harlan’s AI soldiers ambushed people. The existence of robots operated by an Artificial Intelligence happened in the world, they passedby the world’s security protocol and declared war on humanity. After they killed 3 million people they found out that it was controlled by a robot named Harlan and recognized as an AI terrorist by the whole world.
Dr.Shepherd who made Harlan was able to program all the robots so humanity the looming danger around the world.
The International Coalition Nations (ICN) began to take action around the world to prevent this so Harlan was replaced by the world but leaving he left a message swearing that he would return again to finish what he has started.
After 28 years. One night a group of soldiers conduct an operation to capture a robot Casca. He set a trap for them and detonated a bomb so many people died. Casca shoots the survivors. A Special Unit led by Colonel Elias Banks arrives and stops the robot with an electric graph.
The next morning in Los Angeles an AI wakes up a woman whose name is Atlas Shepherd and she is an agent then she watches a new about Harlan’s captured spy Casca and when a messenger of General Jake Boothe arrives immediately Atlas left.
Meanwhile at the Headquarters. Colonel Banks said that he would be against Atlas joining in the capture of Harlan but General Boothe reminded him that Atlas had worked with Harlan. Then Atlas arrives and Boothe tells her to find out why Harlan sent his best soldier in the world.

Atlas goes to the interrogation room and she opens a drawer that contains Casca’s head the robot immediately recognizes her but it doesn’t answer the questions so Atlas uses a new system that will analyze the AI code to find out what’s on its mind because of this she found information about Harlan’s location on an unknown planet in the Andromeda Galaxy.
The robot tried to kill her with a hidden shuriken in its mouth but Atlas knew this so she made a shield and the she destroyed his head. Meanwhile, the General has ordered the capture of Harlan, who wants the AI production corporation to take Harlan’s processor after studying it. So Colonel Banks and his Ranger are going to the planet.

Atlas was scared because Harlan was smarter than Bank’s squads and Atlas was sure they wouldn’t be able to return to earth. Banks takes him to Hunger and shows him the latest generation robot. The robot gives them coffee and Banks shows a transmitter behind his ear that Zoe has connected to a single Neural System that forms an ideal symbolism and also has an entire squad of Rangers. So it is certain that they will defeat Harlan.
Atlas says she wants to join the mission and Boothe agrees and then the spaceship departs for the Andromeda Galaxy. During the trip, Atlas looked at a photo of his mother with Harlan and she listened to a recorded speech by Dr.Shepherd. It talks about AI’s ability for continuous learning and the need to improve its Neural Connection with humans and because of this they can create a new world. Atlas requested that the transmitters be disabled because the systems might be hacked. He showed the landing site because the planet is toxic so you can’t stay there for long without a respirator. There are also gravity fracturing there and earthquakes in addition to this that they don’t know how many soldier Harlan had but Atlas knows Harlan is determined to destroy humanity and he urges everyone not to abandon the robots.
Atlas came out to observes the preparations when the alarm went off Banks loaded Zoe and then suddenly the door of the Cargo Vain exploded causing the ship to burn. The Rangers couldn’t get out of their suits and they died. Banks sees Atlas clinging to a pole so he picks him up and puts him on a robot. Atlas was terrified because he didn’t know how to use it.
She suddenly thrown out so that she falls very high and sees the Rangers being shot at the surface of the planet. A soldier helps Atlas by attaching her suit to his suit. Banks asked her to make a neural connection with the robot and when she saw that she was about to fall she ordered the AI to start the engine and because she didn’t have neural connections with the robot it didn’t respond to her so he fell very hard.
She tried to ask for help but no one was helping here. So she was forced to study the module and the Adaptive AI require partial synchonization but she really didn’t want it. However the AI spotted a rescue capsule 98km from the crash site. The AI reminds her she only has a 22 hours of air left
Smith detects movement in the forest and zooming in Atlas sees Casca which means that Harlan’s AI has managed to create robots. Smith was attacked by Harlan’s soldiers so he retaliated and fired back but was surrounded by them. Atlas ordered to use Ion Bomb but Smith argued but he was to forced to obey so they were destroyed in a powerful explosion but Casca survived and when he was about to shoot Atlas the ground suddenly rumbled loudly informing Smith told her that the explosion of the Ion Bomb made a crater so he warned earlier, because of it Altas fell into a huge cliff and Casca was covered with rocks. Atlas was wounded in the leg so Smith scanned her bones and treated her.

Meanwhile Casca is out of the rocks and Harlan orders him to find Atlas. Atlas has completed the AI Adaptation and admits that her mother created Harlan to protect the people but someting bad happened. Atlas left the cave and she reached the surface and Casca saw her. Smith detected Casca so Atlas ordered to shoot and blow up the mountain but only Casca’s head was left and destriyed it and found out the Harlan’s base through it head transmitter.
Smith doesn’t want to go to Harlan because his duty is to save Atlas. Atlas asked Smith for help to destroy Harlan because otherwise all the deaths will be for nothing. So Smith agreed and they went to the terrorist and they reached his base. Atlas is suprised to see the powerful missiles being carried on an orbital ship but Smith is hacked and Atlas is captures by Harlan’s robots.

Altas is brought to Harlan and he says that he misses Atlas and her mother. Harlan tells him that humans are destroying the planet so he will destroy half of humanity and he will lead the rest and when he gets defense access to Altas brain he will detonate a bomb to cleanse the world.
Harlan extracted the chip with the code from Atlas head and said goodbye to her becasue he knew she only had 5 minutes of oxygen left. Banks wake up and tells Atlas to use his Neutral transmitter and Atlas put it to her ear and calls his AI Smith replies but it can only be activated if their minds merge completely.
Atlas admit that she is afraid of this because when she was young she used to help Harlan hack the system because she believed that her mother loved him more than her and if she becomes smart she will love her mother too but the robot just tricked her and ordered her mother to shoot herself so this is the reason why she is afraid to merge with the AI.

Smith says that she should not be the one to blame but Harlan so Atlas agreed to fully join Smith and then they go to Harlan’s soldiers to fight them but its time to fly the powerful missiles and she sees that Banks has targeted a fuel tank so a powerful explosion destroys the base Smith survives the flames but the orbital ships with the missiles has left.
Harlan fires at them and tells Atlas that they are too late and can’t bring him down. However Atlas ordered Smith to fire it but Smith said that the missiles would destroy everything but Atlas also ordered to remove the safety so Smith fired at the orbitall ship and it exploded all over planet.

Smith immediately goes to cocksole but Harlan stops them to kill Atlas. It pulls out a plasma sword and slashes Smith and the AI tells Atlas to fight Harlan like he’s playing chess so he can see his attack. Atlas grab Harlan’s hand causing it to be severed but Harlan’s self repair system activates causing his hand to return. Harlan stabbed Smith several times and Atlas was knocked unconcious. The crippled robot comes back to life and it takes out Atlas and Harlan finishes him off.
Atlas wakes up and stabs Harlan in the head because he knows he is defeated he reminds Atlas of the order to capture him alive to extract the processor but Atlas destroys him. Atlas goes to Smith and he tells him that i will be gone and to survive he gives Atlas the remaining oxygen and the protocol is over. Atlas says she likes the AI and gives him candy coffee. Then the rescues come and Atlas return to eart and the General thanks her. Atlas has boarded a new Neuro symbolisis robot and Smith meet her.
This is where ou movie ends. Try to watch it. You will definitely like the movie. It’s worth the time you spend watching it.
Cast of Atlas
Jennifer Lopez (Atlas Shepherd) |
Simu Liu (Harlan Shepherd) |
Sterling K. Brown (Colonel Elias Banks) |
Gregory James Cohan (Smith) |
Abraham Popoola (Casca Decius) |
Lana Parrilla (Val Shepherd) |
Mark Strong (General Jake Boothe) |
Briella Guiza (Young Atlas Shepherd) |
Zoy Boyle (Zoe) |
- Who wrote Atlas?
- Aron Eli Coleite
- Leo Sardarian
- Who directed Atlas?
- Brad Peyton
- Who are the stars in Atlas?
- Jennifer Lopez (Atlas)
- Sterling K. Brown (Colonel Banks)
- Simi Liu (Harlan)
- Who was the composer for Atlas?
- Andrew Lockington
- What is Atlas Rated?
- PG-13