My Spy The Eternal City movie 2024 (recap)

    My Spy The Eternal City movie 2024 (recap)

    My Spy The Eternal City

    My Spy The Eternal City – Official Trailer

    Today we will read a story about a Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) agent named JJ who prevents a catastrophic nuclear scheme that threaten the Vatican City directed by Peter Segal with a duration of 1 hour and 52 minutes starring Dave Bautista (Jj), Chloe Coleman (Sophie), and Kristen Schaal (Bobbi).

    The story begins with a CIA agent named Jj who is on a plane to protect a famous singer named Ryan. Ryan is planning to perform a concert in Germany while the flight a flight attendant offers Jj who is a CIA agent is suspicious and tests the drink for poison.

    Jj’s suspicious was correct because the drink was indeed poisoned because the enemy wanted to kidnap Ryan. Jj quickly attacked the fight attendant which led to a huge fight on the plane. In the middle of their fight Jj’s teenage daughter named Sophie shows up with a high-tech gadget. She blows up parts of the plane with a grenade causing Jj and the flight attendant to be thrown out of the plane.

    There Sophie watches the flight attendant fall and manage to catch Jj and Ryan just in time. Sophie asks Jj if they can have dinner with Ryan but Jj refuses because they have wrestling practice together. Sophie gets upset and let Jj go so she fall right after. Ryan apologizes and also reject Sophie’s request to dinner the upset Sophie so she let go of Ryan and let him fall too.

    At the same time Sophie woke up from her sleep because everything that happened was just a dream because she had to go to school. Sophie quickly got ready and went to the kitchen where Jj was preparing her breakfast even though Sophie was her step daughter. He loved her and consider her as her true daughter. He also takes good care of his pet fish and a dog.

    Not long after, Jj received a call from his wife who was working in Africa as a nurse in a refugee camp during their conversation Jj told her to be careful at work and asked her to return to America as soon as possible because that Sophie misses her.

    In another scene Jj is in the CIA office with his colleague Bobbi and other CIA members. They are helping another agent Cristina sneak into a secret Russian Intelligence office. When Jj sees a guard approaching Cristina quickly warns her so she can knock the guard out and enter the secret room to copy the nuclear data. Wasting no time Cristina quickly put on the gloves and started copying all the data to flash drive . Jj noticed a group of armed guards going to the secret room and told Cristina so she can escape right away but she refuses and waits until the data copying is done so Jj and the other CIA agents in the control room are very worried because if Cristina is caught it could lead to a war between Russia and America.

    Fortunately when the guards arrived at the secret room Cristina finished copying the data and escaped with the nuclear information. While a man named Crane a dangerous criminal receives a message about his next target.

    Crane unhesitatingly readied his weapons and quickly left to carry out his new mission. While at the CIA office Jj receives praise from CIA chief David Kim for successfully guiding Cristina in completing her mission to copy nuclear data. David mentions that the data includes the location of a 23 kilogram Russian nuclear.

    My Spy The Eternal City movie 2024 (recap)

    At the school Sophie is practicing the choir because her school will participate in a choir competition in Vatican City, while practicing Sophie’s school friend Ryan was also there because he is the leader of the school choir team. After practice Sophie talked to her close friend Collin david’s son. Sophie tells Collin that she like Ryan and dreams of Ryan becoming a famous singer. When Collin heard this he advised her not to confess her feelings to Ryan because Collin knew that Ryan was a playboy who often played with girls.

    Meanwhile Cristina after completing her mission decided to take a short vacation before returning to CIA head quarters in America to hand over the flash drive with nuclear data but unexpectedly Crane found Cristina he pointed a gun at her and demanded the nuclear data had no other choice Cristina gave him the flash drive nut Crane killed her anyway.

    My Spy The Eternal City movie

    In the afternoon after Sophie comes home from school she joins the self defense training supervised by Jj. Thanks to Jj’s regular training. Sophie ‘s martial arts skills are better than most other teenagers but when he asked to do more training she refused. She said she had to go home to do her schoolwork.

    When Jj and Sophie are in the parking lot getting ready to go home Sophie got a message from her choir coach. The message said that their school’s choir group was leaving for the Vatican City in 2 days. Sophie is very happy because she will be able to travel abroad with her friends.

    The next morning, Jj tells Bobbi that he wants to go with Sophie to the Vatican because he can’t leave her alone. Bobbi suggested that jj ask David for permission. So Jj went to talk to his boss about it. When David found out that Collins was also going to Vatican with Sophie’s choir group he agreed to let Jj go do that he could watch both Collin and the other students.

    While David and other CIA members are unaware that Cristina has been killed and Crane has stolen the flash drive with the nuclear data. On the day of leaving for the Vatican Jj goes to Sophie’s school to join the choir group even though she doesn’t like Jj following her. She didn’t do anything because the other parents are happy that Jj would watch over their children.

    My Spy The Eternal City

    At that time Sophie’s homeroom teacher Nancy also thanked Jj for helping to take care of the students going to the Vatican. Upon arriving at the Vatican choir group first boarded the boat to take a stroll before finally heading to their hotel to rest. Jj was surprised when teacher Nancy came to his room. She asked Jj to help make sure all the students are in their rooms by 10PM.

    Jj starts looking at the student’s rooms to his surprise many rooms are empty and Jj starts to panic. He discovered soon that all the students had gathered in one room, having a little party and drinking together because of this Jj told them to go back to their own rooms immediately.

    Nancy knocked on the door after hearing a noise from inside the room. When she opened the door the students quickly pretended that they are practicing choir with Jj to avoid getting Nancy angry then told everyone to rest because they had a choir competition the next day.

    While returning to the CIA David received news that Cristina who was supposed to arrive in Germany had been missing for a few days. Out of concern David quickly contacted his team in Bahrain to begin searching for Cristina. Back at the hotel Sophie and Collin secretly invited Ryan to walk around the hotel but Jj caught up with them. There Sophie begged Jj to let them out for a while.

    He allowed the three to walk around 35 minutes. While walking to the hotel Collin suddenly remembers that he forgot to take his allergy medicine he tell Sophie and Ryan that he has to go back to the hotel to take the medicine and promises to come with them.

    Unfortunately on his way back Collin is kidnapped by a group of people in a van seeing Sophie’s kidnapping and quickly grabs a nearby bike to chase the van. During the chase Sophie falls off the bike and is almost hit by a car but Jj arrives in time to save Sophie. Then his father was told that Collin had been kidnapped. Jj is worried because he knows David will hold him accountable.

    My Spy The Eternal City movie

    At the CIA office David receives call from Crane who abducts Collin at the time. Crane requests that David go to Rome alone to take a special tour that Crane has set up. He warns David not to be the police or any member of CIA or else he will hurt Collin.

    After the call, David immediately contacted Jj to ask what happened to Collin. jj asks for a call and admits it’s his fault for not looking after the kids properly. David tells Jj to go to Rome tomorrow and track him remotely while he goes to retrieve the item from the kidnapper. Sophie shows Jj a photo she took of the kidnapper before chasing the van. When Jj saw the picture he recognized the kidnapper Crane who used to be one of Jj’s colleagues in the military.

    The next morning David arrived in Rome and went to the place Crane had told him about, While Jj and Sophie watched from the roof of nearby building. After David took a secret box from Crane he quickly returned to the car that Bobbi was driving.

    Soon, David pick-ups Jj and Sophie and scolds Jj for not taking care of Collin and Sophie. She explained how the kidnapping happened because she and Collin left to the hotel without informing Jj. After hearing Sophie’s explanation David no longer blames Jj and opens the secret box from Crane. Inside they found a cellphone with a voice message.

    In Crane’s message David was ordered to go to Nato head quarters and steal the nuclear activation code there exchange Collin because Crane found the nuclear bomb using the data from Cristina but he could not activate the bomb because the code was stored at the Nato head quarters. That’s why he kidnapped Collin to force David to get the code.

    David planned to go to the Nato head quarters where Jj asked if he could take Sophie home to the hotel first but since they are short on time David insisted that Sophie go with him. Meanwhile the choir coach told the students to practice better before the competition. He also informs them that Sophie and Collin won’t be joining because they have important things to attend with Jj.

    My Spy The Eternal City

    Later David and his team arrived at the Nato head quarters because of his important position David was able to easily enter and meet the Colonel asked why David and his team are there he casually said that they are on vacation them and just passing by so they decided to pass by.

    The Colonel believed his story and invited them to look at the head quarters. Meanwhile Bobbi and Sophie pretend they need to use the bathroom but they are actually looking for the nuclear activation code to distract the Colonel David and Jj who s busy watching a boxing match going on at head quarters.

    He even asked Jj to participate in the match to pass the time. Bobbi and Sophie searched for the code. Jj reluctantly agrees and joins the fight not putting up much of a fight against but Bobbi and Sophie return having successfully stolen the nuclear activation code.

    When Jj saw them he pretended to give up the fight to end it. An hour later David received a message from requesting to exchange the nuclear activation code for Collin at a specific address. Wasting no time they went straight to the location. When they arrived David asked to Jj to come with him while Bobbi and Sophie waited at a nearby cafe and tried to monitor the situation from a distance.

    Later, Crane arrived in a big car and suddenly crashed into David’s car causing David and Jj to lose consciousness and Crane’s men took them to his hide out. Meanwhile Bobbi and Sophie who saw what happened secretly followed Crane to their hiding place.

    After a while, David and jj woke up and found themselves tied up in an abandoned building when Crane appeared and greeted them then said that his boss would soon meet them which surprised the. Crane’s boss is Nancy who pretends to be a teacher to hide her true identity as a master criminal.

    Nancy reveals her plan that she wants to put the nuclear bomb in the choir competition where many students and high school officials from different countries are presents. Her goal is to demand a ransom from each country threatening to detonate a bomb if they don’t pay.

    That’s why Nancy asked for the code activation code of the bomb in return they will free Collin with no other choice. David gave the code but Nancy broke her promise she ordered her men to get David and plan to kill Collin because of she thinks they are useless now.

    Before leaving she injected poison into Jj’s body and Jj with all his remaining strength tried to break free from the ropes but eventually passed out as the poison spread through his body. Moments later Bobbi and Sophie arrive in time and find Jj and quickly give him the antidote.

    With jj safe Bobbi and Sophie begin chasing Crane who taken Collin to a hidden location, Meanwhile Nancy takes David to the Vatican and plans to activate nuclear bomb. When Crane arrives at his destination he discovers that Collin has escaped there. Crane began looking for him in a nearby Sunflower garden.

    After walking through the garden for a while he finally finds Collin when Crane is about to shoot him. Jj arrives and fights Crane from a distance Bobbi tries ti help Jj by shooting Crane but she doesn’t let Crane escape. After Collin saves Jj Bobbi and Sophie rush to the Vatican to stop Nancy from detonating the bomb.

    When they arrived at the venue of the competition they saw many important officials from different countries who had come to watch the choir competition. While Nancy and her teams are in the basement of the Vatican setting up a nuclear bomb. Soon after sent a video of the bomb installation to the countries that attended the event. She is asking for a ransom of 50 million dollars from each country to stop the bombing.

    She gave them only 30 minutes to pay at once. Jj and Bobbi prepare to enter the basement to find David using the hi-tech gadget Bobbi brought before Jj entered Sophie and Collin are asked to wait outside. In the basement Crane joins Nancy and her team as they work to activate the nuclear bomb.

    David unable to fight or stop the criminals while jj and Bobbi manage to find where Nancy’s group is hiding but their presence is quickly discovered by Crane and suddenly attacks Jj and beats him badly Crane shows to Jj the picture of his pet fish that Crane killed when he entered Jj’s house which angered Jj and he fought to finish off Crane and his men.

    My Spy The Eternal City movie 2024 (recap)

    During the chaos, Nancy quietly exits the basement and Crane decides to escape and he also get into a car with a remote that can detonate a nuclear bomb. Jj quickly got on the motorcycle and chased after Crane. Bobbi contacts Sophie to let her know about going after Jj. When Sophie heard this she quickly stole a motorcycle from the side of the road and sped up to catch up with Jj who was still chasing Crane.

    While David is trying to chase Nancy but he stopped by two CIA agents who mistakenly think that he has betrayed them and joined Nancy’s gang. There David quickly explained the misunderstanding to armed agent.

    Next scene Jj and Sophie are still chasing Crane. Jj makes a danger move by jumping into Crane’s car to stop them both. Began to fight again near the river bank. Unfortunately Jj was in a tough spot when Crane pointed a gun at him just as Sophie arrived and threw some knives at Crane which gave Jj a chance to defeat the criminal.

    At the same time the remote control for the nuclear bomb that rolled into the river was still in the car, Jj and Sophie quickly jump into the river to retrieve the remote. Luckily they got it and stopped the bomb with only two seconds left.

    In the middle of the chaos Collin sees Nancy and calls her a bad girl. David just arrives and his team to arrest Nancy. Sophie apologizes to Jj causing so much trouble and promises that she will be a good daughter.

    This is where our story ends. Thank you so much.

    Main Cast of My Spy The Eternal City

    Dave Bautista
    Chloe Coleman
    Kristen Schaal
    Ken Jeong
    David Kim
    Anna Faris
    Flula Borg
    Taeho K
    Billy Barratt
    Nicola Correia-Damude


    1. When was My Spy The Eternal City released?
      • July 2024
    2. How long is My Spy The Eternal City?
      • 1 hour and 52 minutes
    3. Who stars in My Spy The Eternal City?
      • Dave Bautista (Jj)
      • Chloe Coleman (Sophie)
      • Kristen Schaal (Bobbi)
    4. Who directed My Spy The Eternal City?
      • Peter Segal
    5. What genre is My Spy The Eternal City?
      • Action
      • Comedy
    6. Who was the editor of My Spy The Eternal City?
      • Jason Gourson
    7. Who wrote My Spy The Eternal City?
      • Peter Segal
      • Erich Hoeber
      • Jon Hoeber
    8. Who was the producer of My Spy The Eternal City?
      • Dave Bautista
      • Peter Segal
      • Gigi Pritzker
      • Robert Simonds
      • Chris Bender
      • Jake Weiner
      • Jonathan Meisner
    9. Who was the cinematographer for My Spy The Eternal City?
      • Larry Blandford
    10. What is My Spy The Eternal City rated?
      • PG-13

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