Maharaja 2024 movie (recap)

    Maharaja 2024 movie


    Maharaja | Official Trailer |

    The movie we will read today is about a barber who was robbed of something important to him, he pays the police to find and avenge the perpetrator. This film is an Indian Action thriller film released in 2024 titled MAHARAJA directed by Nithilan Saminathan with a duration of 2 hours and 30 minutes starring Vijay Sethupathi (Maharaja), Anurag Kash (Selvam), and Mamta Mohandas (Aasida).


    In a small barber shop named RAMKI SALOON Maharaja works as a barber. One day while he was buying a gift. His wife was waiting for him with their daughter across the street but an accident occurred where a truck crashed into the house killing his wife.

    Currently Maharaja’s daughter Jothi survived the accident and is now in grade 10 who has no interest in learning apart from sports so the teachers don’t like her except her P.E teacher who she often hangs out with. The steel trash can saved the girl on the day of the accident. So it is worth a lot to them, almost considered the treasure of the father and daughter.

    Since the loss of his wife Maharaja has not remarried so he is the only one who takes care of the child. Once a month he took a day off from work to take care his daughter for a walk because Maharaja’s life only revolved around work and taking care of Jothi. One day he was summoned to school because the child was accused of doing something silly.

    The Principal wanted to kick out it immediately without even knowing the truth but Jothi’s P.E teacher came with the child who really made their school ashamed. The Principal reversed his decision but he didn’t care about the hurtful words he said to the girl.

    Maharaja demands that the Principal apologize for hanging the daughter but he sends them away. Maharaja insisted that he must apologize to his daughter first. However, he called security to forcibly evict them but Maharaja held on to iron and continued to ask for his daughter forgiveness.

    Everyone cooperated with him until Maharaja almost broke the pole. The Principal also felt guilty so he apologized for what he did to the child. Later Maharaja’s daughter will have a school camping the girl asked to keep LAXMI clean they call the garbage can and she will call to check it regularly. Then the daughter left and he also went to work. One night at his house he was lying on the floor unconscious.

    In the another part of the car factory, The Councilor rushes in, furious because he is missing his glasses that were left in the car. The mechanic Dhana who has just been released from jail arrives. The manager of the factory is looking for the glass for him because he delivered the Councilor’s car but he denied it.

    The Councilor scolded him furiously for stealing his glasses. The management stopped it and offered to replace it with a new one but the Councilor did not agree because it was important to him before he leaving he threatened that if the glass was not returned to him tomorrow he would burn down the entire garage.

    That night at a bar where the Councilor was, Dhana came with his glass but he broke it in front of them. They got into a fight inside the bar and managed to defeat the Councilor’s colleagues he also lost due to his arrogance. Meanwhile, Maharaja went to the police station to report what happened to him that there were (3) three thieves inside their house.

    He told the story of what happened when he got home and while he was getting dressed, he was suddenly attacked by men. He lost consciousness and when he woke up the LAXMI he was keeping was missing. The policeman wonders what LAXMI is so he shows a photo of a steel trash can.


    When the police found out that LAXMI did not want to accept his complaint because they thought it was worthless. The police forced him out but Maharaja held on to the pole and the police helped him leave until the precinct was destroyed and a snake appeared so everyone ran outside.

    Maharaja 2024 movie (recap)

    Inspector Varadharajan came and found the commotion that Maharaja was doing. He now took a testimony where Maharaja said the same thing. When he found out that the only thing he was missing was a trash can. The Inspector also thought that the case was worthless so the police sent him away but Maharaja insisted because the trash can was important to him and he needed to see it before his daughter returned.

    Maharaja 2024 movie

    He forcibly dismissed the inspector and threatened to shoot him if he did not leave so he did nothing. When he left, the inspector scolded the police for letting him get to that point. Maharaja came back again and waved a huge sum of money to hep him find LAXMI much to everyone’s surprised.

    The police have agreed to search the trash can for the money it will pay. They investigated his house and the neighboring house to look for clues. The police also discovered that Maharaja had hidden a large sum of money in the bank which they intended to interest.

    The inspector talked to Maharaja because they suspected that he was hiding something because he was willing to pay a large amount just for the garbage. He said that it saved the child’s life so it was important to them and even added a reward if they found it. Selvam on the other hand is a prickly thief who has no forgiveness.

    They exploit the victims and spare no life. He has a wife and daughter and he is also the one involved in the trash theft. Meanwhile Maharaja is giving money to the police for the search. His friend advises him that he is just wasting money but he believes that the inspector is fulfilling his promise even though it is very impossible that the police are still looking for the missing trash can.

    Maharaja is also in the precinct every day and has become a servant of the police. Selvam again received a new tip of their next robbery. They got a large amount of money while his family was unaware of the evil he was doing.

    In a store, a policeman got into an argument with someone looking for a metal trash can. Nallasivam a police asset for (7) seven years was also there and saw it deliberate trash. The police took for it he was surprised to find out that the police were really looking for the trash can.

    When he found out that Nallasivam was there he ordered him to find a similar one so that it would be over and they could get the money. At the precinct while Maharaja was waiting for news in his garbage can. the man from the factor came to report Dhana’s disappearance.

    When Maharaja saw the photo he remembered what had happened before when he woke up he saw a paper with the address of the car. He went to the bar where the car was to ask and found out that it belonged to the Councilor but when he talked to him he found out that the person who delivered the car robbed the Councilor.

    He ask where she was now but she had no intention of telling him. He was about to leave when he witnessed Dhana’s arrival at the place. He watched the commotion in the bar. He followed the man when he felt but Dhana noticed and contacted his companions.

    Maharaja 2024 movie (recap)

    He was taken to the old factory and when he arrived there, The men who were Dhana’s colleagues beat him. They planned to cut off his arm but when they were about to do it Maharaja was too strong and their colleague’s arm was cut off with a razor he fought against. The men were surprised by what happened.

    Maharaja warns everyone and reminds them that they still have family to return to but the men attack him. They didn’t think he was good at fighting and they were knocked down one by one. Dhana also hit him and beaten him however, he recovered and with his great strength he knocked down all his companions and Dhana was caught.

    He tortured the man and said he was the owner of the house he entered. He made the criminal confess who he was with then but he did not want to talk. He tortured him until he also confessed that one of his colleagues was a policeman in their area but Dhana tried to escape but before he could leave the place Maharaja killed him.

    This is why he approached the police to find the person involved because he had a deeper reason. Meanwhile, the police looking for something similar to the trash can. Nallasivam has taken the police to a contractor he knows to imitate the said the trash can but there are still a few days before it is done so they have nothing to do but to wait.

    Before all this happened, One day Selvam took the mother and daughter to the jewelry store to buy a necklace for her daughter’s upcoming birthday. His wife didn’t want it because it was too expensive but Selvam said that he would give everything for his daughter. The necklace is still being made so he has to return it in 2 days. After returning home, Selvam’s wife told him that because of the large amount of money for the necklace. Selvam had no other desire but to make his daughter happy.

    On the day of the daughter’s birthday. Selvam’s took the necklace his wife wife called her because he still needed to buy something and sent him to the salon to shave his beard because they had a lot of guests coming. Selvam bought the order for his wife and before going home he passed by the salon where Maharaja worked he was still talking to his wife on the phine and the barber heard that something was about to happen so he got curious about it.

    Selvam said that today is her daughter’s birthday . He would have asked many more questions but Selvam was annoyed with him so Maharaja started shaving but suddenly his razor didnt work Maharaja was supposed to use scissors but it took too long so Selvam made him buy a battery.

    After he left Selvam’s colleague called to inform him that their latest robbery was in the news. He was alone there so they talked about the crime that had been committed but he was surprised that the barber was behind him and he suspected that he heard all their conversation.

    When he returned home, he was uneasy because he was worried that someone knew about their evil deeds. He told the group to hide the money and jewelry they stole elsewhere. In the salon, Maharaja also saw the necklace that was left there and he intended to personally return it to the owner because he knew that it was a gift from his customer for her daughter’s birthday. While at that time Selvam was troubled by not being able to find the gift for her daughter.

    He was about to leave for a while to look for a necklace but Mahraja came there return the necklace but suddenly the police came. Selvam suspected that the barber had already reported them. The police immediately arrested them for the crime of theft and murder but Selvam’s wife did not believe that her husband could do this but his colleague tried to fight the police.

    Selvam let his friend go because they had been caught and his wife heard it. The police killed Selvam’s friend and the police arrested him. His wife disowned him for what he did and told him not to appear in front of them ever again. There Selvam grew angry with the barber whom he suspected of reporting to the police.

    At the moment/ Maharaja daughter’s (1) one week school camping has ended. She bought new shoes because the ones she was wearing were worn out but she actually gave them to a classmate who had no shoes. In the meantime the inspector receives the trash they had made which is sure to earm them a lot of money. They copied the one in the photo to make it look like LAXIM’s original but the police are worried that Maharaja might find out that what was returned to him was not real.

    This is what the inspector really wants to know if there is still a hidden reason. order to do this the inspector looked for someone to pretend to be a thief but when all his contacts found out that the trash was stolen. No wanted to do what he had always dreamed of. The inspector was in trouble because he couldn’t get even one but when Nallasivam found out the amount he would pay to the impersonator he presented that he would do the impersonation.

    The inspector didn’t want to believe that he knew how to act but they couldn’t get anyone else to pretend. The inspector called the precinct again to get Maharaja’s story so they could make a story. Maharaja was called by the police for his statement while the inspector listened to it on the other line.

    He told again what exactly happened but it turned out that his story was not about him but about his daughter. It can be seen that Nallasivam was also among the criminals who entered his house which was planned by Selvam. He beat the girl and tortures her in his hands because he was taking revenge on her father who imprisoned him for 13 years.

    At the time Maharaja was in the shoe shop while Nallasivam and Dhana repeated exploited the daughter. It took so long for Maharaja to arrive that Selvam thought that his revenge plan would be carried out later. After the police got the story they suspected that he had another reason besides the trash.

    It’s true that there was a reason other than avenge the daughter’s fate with the criminals and Nallasivam was shocked to learn that this was the father of the child he had exploited. He wanted to back out of the pretense but the inspector got angry so he didn’t do anything.

    He immediately calls Selvam to inform him that the barber had reported to the police and they were also unable to contact Dhana 3 days ago. Selvam advised him to run away and he will take care of him when he returns from work because he currently has a contact as an electrician but when he said he was going home first the inspector did not allow him and made him sleep there.

    When the Maharaja returned home at night he saw what had happened to his daughter and immediately rushed him to the hospital and begged the doctor to help him. He lost his way home and hit himself causing him to lose consciousness. While remembering everything that happened in the hospital when the daughter woke up she wanted to see what had happened to her so Maharaja searched for the perpetrator of what happened to the daughter.

    The net day the police went to the Maharaja’s house to return the trash together with Nallasivam whou would pretend to be a thief. The inspector showed him how he managed to enter the house and he immediately acted with the mixture of truth.

    Maharaja saw that it happened just like that while recalling the story of his daughter. He hugged him to accompany the story but the truth was to find out if he has a lump on his back according to her daughter’s story. He was very surprised that this was the person who committed the rape. The inspector asked him what they were going to do with the thief. He suddenly replied that he should forgive him and let him go, which surprised the inspector.

    The inspector did not agree and he wanted to punish him but Maharaja really didn’t want to. He suddenly mentioned that even he had molested his daughter which surprised everyone. It turns out that the inspector knew that Nallasivam was involved since the police investigated Dhana’s disappearance. The inspector gave Maharaja the freedom to avenge what happened to the daughter at the hands of the criminals.

    The policemen worried that they might involved. The inspector understood that if it was done to their children they would certainly not be quiet either and that’s when Maharaja’s killed the criminal.

    Later, at the construction site when Selvam was working. Maharaja rushed there and face his colleagues, he also headed inside to face the person he thought had ruined his life. The two finally meet and Maharaja remembers that they have met before and the two fight as Selvam blames him for loss of his family.

    Maharaja fought back and retaliated until the criminal could no longer walk. Selvam told what they did to his daughter that he will never forget but Maharaja did not speak because he was just waiting for his daughter to come and this was her request to talk the person who did the crime.

    When she arrived Maharaja change his mind and did not want to talk to him but his daughter was insistent. He gave in and Jothi spoke to the criminal alone. She gave the jewelry that they had been aiming for before and said that if he had a child like that what would he fell but Selvam didn’t have it but instead blamed himself why he had brought him back to life.

    However, The girl forgave the criminal for what he had done to her. Selvam looked at the jewelry and saw the necklace that he had given to her daughter the day he was imprisoned. Maharaja searched for his family with his wife and daughter to return the necklace but his wife did not accept it knowing that it came from a thief she just wanted a gift for her daughter a simple thing that came from hard work.

    Maharaja’s wife found a stuffed toy opposite and asked him to buy a gift return and suddenly a truck crashed into the house killing the wife. Selvam also heard about what happened to the family but he was shocked to see the skin on the Maharaja’s daughter’s back and remembered that the daughter had something like that before.

    That’s when he realized that it was his daughter. Maharaja let the daughter go out firs and turned back to Selvam begging to speak to the daughter. He remembered that only daughter survived through the trash, He adopted the girl and raised him as his true daughter.

    Maharaja told him that he was not his daughter and left him there but went after Selvam but they ignored him because of what Selvam did that he didn’t think it was his own child. It has chosen to take its own life.

    This is where our movie ends. I hope you like it. Thank you.

    Main Cast of Maharaja

    Vijay Sethupathi
    Anurag Kashyap
    Mamta Mohandas
    Selvam’s wife
    Divya Bharathi
    Maharaja’s wife
    Sachana Namidass
    Natarajan Subramaniam
    Saravana Subbiah
    Police Inspector


    1. When was Maharaja released?
      • June 2024
    2. How long is Maharaja?
      • 2 hours and 30 minutes
    3. Who stars in Maharaja?
      • Vijay Sethupathi (Maharaja)
      • Anurag Kashyap (Selvam)
      • Mamta Mohandas (Aasifa)
    4. Who directed Maharaja?
      • Nithilan Saminathan
    5. What genre is Maharaja?
      • Action
      • Crime
      • Drama
      • Thriller
    6. Who was the editor of Maharaja?
      • Philomin Raj
    7. Who wrote Maharaja?
      • Nithilan Saminathan
    8. Who was the producer of Maharaja?
      • Jagadish Palanisamy
      • Sudhan Sundaram
    9. Who was the cinematographer for Maharaja?
      • Dinesh
      • Purushothaman

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