Hidden Strike 2023 movie (recap)

    Hidden Strike

    Hidden Strike


    The movie we are going to read today is about a group of elite operatives assigned a critical mission to neutralize a global threat. This movie is an action-packed film released in 2023 that plunges readers into a world of covert operations titled “HIDDEN STRIKE” directed by Scott Waught starring Jackie Chan (Dragon Luo), John Cena (Chris) and Chunruin Ma (Mei).

    The story begins after surviving relentless attacks by mercenary forces in the escalating oil wars. The employees YUTIME Chinese oil refinery in the Middle East will be released from the building by a private security team from China.

    The team led by Commander Dragon Luo was now staring at half of a family portrait that he hadn’t seen in a long time. When they got to the factory they found it badly damaged because it was constantly being attacked by the rebels. They meet the head of Professor Cheng company who immediately shares her evacuation plans.

    Hidden Strike 2023 movie

    She said they had no choice but to take the “Highway of Death” to reach the Green Zone. Meanwhile former US marine Chris meet his brother Henry who leads a group of mercenaries. Henry brought a large amount of money with a mission they must kidnapped an International criminal to be released from the Green Zone. Chris returns to his village where he takes care of a group of orphaned children. The village’s water pump is currently broken so Owen goes to check and fix it.

    Back at the factory, Luo and his team prepare a plan to protect the civilians while employee Mei watches from the window and has yet to confront Luo. The next day they shut down all the computers and Cheng put the key in her bag which she gave to Mei.

    Hidden Strike 2023 movie (recap)

    The team guided the employees to board the buses and they did not know that a man had put a mark on the bus that Cheng was on. Mei is on Luo’s bus which she is not happy about. The helicopters that brought the team will be first in the Green Zone so only their team is left.

    Hidden Strike

    As the buses leaves Mei accidentally drops her notebook and finds out that she has half o the picture because she is Luo’s daughter. Luo tried to talk to her but she ignored him. Eventually they reach the Highway of Death which is stretch of the road full of traps and wrecked cars.

    It is a very dangerous place and hardly anyone survives crossing it. There are children asking for help everywhere but they are also part of the traps so the buses only run continuously. When they saw two cars blocking the road Luo just rammed them to make way.

    Things start exploding around the wrecked cars but the team just keeps going because everyone knows it’s a trick to lure the riders. Seeing Mei worried Luo promises to protect her but Mei ignores it and knows that Luo will protect whoever his mission dictates and he doesn’t care about his family. Otherwise he wouldn’t have abandoned his daughter and the dying wife.

    The buses crossed the Highway of Death without a problem until they saw a sand storm blocking the road ahead which was not right because they had checked the weather earlier and it should be fine because there was no other choice they drove on sand storm but Luo noticed that it wasn’t acting like a normal storm.

    To make matters worse, the team members lost contact with each other and all the signals in their system are down. At the moment Mei noticed something nearby but it quickly disappeared and she thought it was just her imagination but what she saw was Chris and mercenaries following the buses in the middle of the storm and because of the mark they knew the bus to take.

    When they got into position they shot a hook at the last bus to bring it closer then they climbed up before detonating their car because the car was still attached to the bus with a wire causing it to bounce and shatter the front window of the bus. This gave the two mercenaries an opportunity to get in and they immediately knocked out the guards before taking control of the bus.

    Hidden Strike

    Two other mercenaries jumped on the next bus and got in too but the guard gave them a fair fight. After disarming each other the guard and the mercenary fought hand to hand but it blows before the guard was kicked off the bus. Fortunately, she was able to lay down immediately before being run over. The mercenary will also take this bus and stop on the road to complete their mission.

    Hidden Strike 2023 movie

    When the storm stops Henry and his mercenaries take some of the bus passengers hostage and Chris gets angry because they seem to be civilians and not criminals. Henry explained to him that it was all a trick. After a few minutes the main buses finally got out of the storm and realized the last two vehicles are missing.

    Hidden Strike 2023 movie (recap)

    They tried to contact its guards but were unsuccessful and Luo was sure that there was nothing natural about the storm. The helicopters return to help and take Luo and Mei to check the area and they discover that the enemies are using a jet engine to push the sand and create a sand storm.The chopper follows the road the truck took and finds one of the buses with the guard who tells them the Americans are behind it all.

    Hidden Strike 2023 movie

    Another helicopter passed by another road and saw the mercenaries. Immediately both sides opened fire and the guard managed to blow up an enemy vehicle. Chris was good driver and guided the other comrades to avoid the attack until they found a place where they could stop and attacked back. The chopper tried to turn to catch them from behind but the enemy fired first causing them to crash.

    Meanwhile the rest of the team boarded the buses to the Green Zone while Luo found the last bus and found out that most of the passengers are there but they took Cheng and assistant captive. Back to the mercenaries they arrive at their base and Chris pushes Henry demanding to know what conditions he was brought in.

    Hidden Strike 2023 movie (recap)

    It is revealed that the mercenaries are recruited by Owen who was the leader of the group attacking the refinery. He explains got tired of working the oil companies and now he plans to steal everything for himself to make a lot of money.

    Hidden Strike 2023 movie

    He also offered Chris a job as his security officer because his brother Henry was too young and desperate. Chris is not interested in his offer much to Owen’s annoyance. As he leaves Henry tries to tell Owen that they don’t need him and that he can do the job but Owen responds by shooting him and his fellow mercenary.

    Hidden Strike

    After a while, Luo returned to the Helicopter and saw passing by, he tried to shoot him but decided to follow instead. Their chopper was about to run out of fuel so Luo decided to leave alone. Chris returns to his house and punches a photo out of guilty. A boy asks him to play and while they are outside Luo finds and confronts him.

    He took the ball and threw it at Chris demanding answers but Chris refused to say anything. When the boy came to ask for the ball. Luo didn’t want to scare him and pretended to leave but in reality he was still following Chris. Chris left to meet Henry at their agreed place to collect his money for the work done but when he entered the abandoned building he was saddened to discover the body of his brother that Owen had left to force him.

    Hidden Strike 2023 movie (recap)

    Luo also entered slowly but he faced Chris and a fight ensued the two were both good at fighting and kept asking each other questions while beating but both refused to answer. Chris pull out a knife but Luo knows what to do to stop it. They used anything around to attack.

    Hidden Strike

    Chris tried to push a car into Luo who immediately left and took Henry’s body away to avoid getting stuck. Luo was about to throw a grenade but Chris stopped him and they finally realized they are the same enemy.

    Hidden Strike 2023 movie

    At that moment, a group of French officials arrived asking for money and Owen seemed to have tricked them as well. While trying to explain Chris accidentally pulls the pin from the grenade and the boys leave before it explodes.

    Hidden Strike 2023 movie (recap)

    Then they put the pin back to prevent the explosion and look outside to see that the men have gone to get their weapons and fire. The two rush back inside and argue again about finding the right ammunition since they can’t find what they need Chris make a hole in the wall and Luo hands him grenades to throw through the hole.

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    After a few grenades the shooting suddenly stopped so Luo took the opportunity to take out his gun and demanded answers again but Chris only went out to look at his truck that was damaged in the shooting. Chris tell Luo about Owen as they set more grenades to blow up the building. While leaving Chris explains to him about Owen and Luo also learns that Chris can speak Chinese.

    Hidden Strike 2023 movie (recap)

    Meanwhile Owen, Cheng and other hostages are taken to the refinery because he wants Cheng to give him access to the reserve so he can steal the oil. At first refuses, So Owen shoots another captive to get her to talk. The last captive was her son so she finally spoke to save him.

    Hidden Strike

    Cheng explained that the computer key and the codes are left in her bag but Owen was angry with her. So Cheng’s son told them to trap her phone which was also in the bag. Returning to the village Luo and Chris return to see the children and Mei is also there.

    Mei heard Cheng as phone ringing in the bag and answered the call but the caller immediately hung up. Luo called his team and confirmed that all employees had reached the Green Zone safely. Then he sees Chris entertaining the children with a song and decides to join in and act like the animals in the song.

    The two go outside and Chris says he found Mei’s notebook. He takes it to put his number because he likes her but is stunned when Luo tells him that Mei is his daughter even though their relationship is broken.

    Chris shares how his father was lost in a battle for his country but Luo tells him that protecting the country also means protecting the family that lives here and that’s what Chris’ father did for his children. Mei took the children with her as the two hid and learned that Owen’s men are closing in on them. Chris kills a man while Luo jumps on the roof and knock out a sniper he is cornered bu another but Chris hits him and knocks the man out causing them to fall the roof.

    Mei heard this and began to understand her father better now they suddenly heard suspicious footsteps entering the village. They immediately went out and hid to wait for the next enemy Luo signaled to Chris who knocked the man down before he could shoot Chris did not understand Luo’s next signal and they were almost caught but her rushed Chris and shot him his opponents.

    Hidden Strike 2023 movie

    Chris went to the roof again while Luo went behind and fought any enemy he could see and had no trouble knocking them out one by one. Chris also shoots some men but his location is known and the enemy fires a rocket causing him to fall.

    Hidden Strike 2023 movie (recap)

    Fortunately he was able to get away just before the tower fell on him. Chris then finds Mei and takes Cheng’s phone to given Owen’s men. The people of the village came out to help protect their place but the enemy showed up with a grenade. They said they needed the bag so to avoid trouble Chris gave it to them and ignored Mei’s plea. After getting what they needed the enemies started to walk away.

    The next day Mei explains why the enemy wants the bag at first Chris doesn’t care about some idiot who stole some oil but Mei says it’s the biggest oil theft in history and the whole country will be greatly affected by it.

    Hearing that Chris wanted to help so he offered his truck with the engine to get there. Luo didn’t allow Mei to come along because it was too dangerous so Mei just warned him not to use gun in the refinery to avoid an explosion.

    After they left, Mei saw another car that she could use. Meanwhile at the refinery the bag arrives and Owen gives it to Cheng who immediately activates the computers to save his son. The oil began to flow through the pipes and reached several ships waiting on the shore.

    When the two finally arrives the guards started to attack but Chris was good at avoiding them all. He hit all the obstacles on the road and entered the refinery but when someone blocked an oil truck blocked the way he suddenly turned and crashed into a platform which collapsed and filled the area with dust.

    Now everyone knew they were here but the dust gave them a chance to leave the truck and get inside. Owen took the key to the oil-inhibiting computer and left with his personal guard and sent the others to the intruders.

    Luo climbs up the tower but before Chris can follow him they are surrounded by guards and a fierce battle ensues again. Fortunately both are good at defending themselves against multiple enemies. Luo was standing on a pipe so few men could follow him at once.

    Chris took out a large pipe to stab the opponents Luo almost fell while avoiding the attack Chris used the pipe to push him back and hit a few guys before sending Luo to the other side. Owen used this moment to say goodbye to the two.

    More men arrived to continue the fight and Chris and Luo split up to continue knocking out the non-armored opponents. Chris finally got inside the main building. There was a guard waiting for them so Luo threw the knife to distract him and Chris hit him again at the same time.

    Luo takes the opportunity to run off Chend and his son. Chris fight the guard they exchanged several attacks before hiding behind the computers the two tried to share weapons and a wrong exchange so Luo had to roll and almost got shot. Chris and the guard exchanged fire but Chris immediately ran out of bullets.

    He comes up with a plan where he appears to the guard as a distraction and Luo manages to rush him and push hom through the window while Luo takes care of the guard Chris chases Owen but he can’t catch the car. Suddenly Mei arrives in Chris’ car so they chased after Owen together.

    There are weapons under the seat and Chris tells Mei that the American way is to have guns everywhere. At the refinery Luo and the guard fight hand to hand while Cheng watches from afar. When Luo told him to leave the enemy tried to run away and climb the machinery so Luo used a fire blocking foam gun to stop him by making him slip and block his vision.

    Unfortunately the gun suddenly broke and Luo also fell down now the ball was scattered all over the place and Luo took some wires to attach to his belt so he wouldn’t drown. The enemy jumped on him but Luo quickly pushed him away and the two fought again until they fell again.

    Hidden Strike 2023 movie (recap)

    They continued to fight and thanks to Luo’s wire he was able to push the man into the machinery and finally got him. Luo then used a pan to remove all the bubbles before leaving.

    On the road the guard Owen opened fire and Chris immediately shot back until the enemy ran out of bullets. Owen drove through the desert thinking Chris’ car wouldn’t handle it. There were several hills ahead of them and Mei was able to jump the first one without any problem but the second one was more difficult and the car crashed Mei and Chris didn’t know what to do but luckily Luo came in a truck and the three followed again Owen.

    Hidden Strike

    They soon realize that the truck is too slow so Chris informs them that the machine in not only used to create a storm sand. He pressed a button and the engine started and it made the truck go faster so they were able to get the oil one of them. The oil truck jumps high and crashed into other trucks causing a huge explosion that causes Owen to lose oil and his car as well.

    His driver dies but Owen survives with half of his face broken desperate to live Owen offers Chris money again but Chris refuses it again. So Owen removes his partner’s body and drives away. Luo tries to follow him but the truck’s tank leaks and creates a sludge that causes them to stall.

    Chris told Mei to press the other button and it activated two side slane which allowed the truck to slide through the sand using the engine’s power. Luo and Mei drove while Chris held onto the side of the truck. When they finally find Owen in his car they drive it off a cliff. Seeing that they were about to fall too. Luo tried himself and Mei to the rope and they jumped out of the truck before it fell taking Chris with it.

    When the two looked up they saw the rope attached to Owen’s car and when Owen noticed it he decided to go down with them. Owen fell smiling thinking he was winning but luckily Luo cut the rope just in time so he and her daughter were both same.

    Owen falls to his death they try to call Luo Chris’ name but no one answers at that moment Mei discovers Luo is holding his notebook she opens it and sees that her father has glued two pieces of their family photo together.

    Hidden Strike 2023 movie

    The father and daughter reconciled again but suddenly Chris appeared who had been climbing for a while. They help her up and another argument begins as Chris tries to get Mei to notice they realize they are stuck in there so the only way they can get out is to start yelling for help. Meanwhile Luo’s team surrounds the oil-stealing ships and arrests everyone involved.

    After a while the three were rescued and they returned to the village where they repaired the heart and restored the water, The fun is interrupted when the team announces that they will have a new mission and Luo invites Chris to join them.

    This is where our movie Hidden Strike ends. I hope you like it. Thank you very much.

    Main Cast of Hidden Strike

    Jackie Chan
    Dragon Luo
    John Cena
    Chunrui Ma
    Wenli Jiang
    Professor Cheng
    Amadeus Serafini
    Pilou Asbaek


    1. When was Hidden Strike released?
      • July 2023
    2. How long is Hidden Strike?
      • 1 hour and 42 minutes
    3. Who stars in Hidden Strike?
      • Jackie Chan (Luo)
      • John Cena (Chris)
      • Chunrui Ma (Mei)
    4. Who directed Hidden Strike?
      • Scott Waugh
    5. What genre is Hidden Strike?
      • Action
      • Adventure
      • Comedy
      • Thriller
    6. Who was the editor of Hidden Strike?
      • Scott Waugh
    7. Who wrote Hidden Strike?
      • Arash Amel
    8. Who was the producer of Hidden Strike?
      • Hans Canosa
      • Esmond Ren
    9. Who was the cinematographer for Hidden Strike?
      • Tony Cheung
      • Yuan Peng
    10. What is Hidden Strike rated?
      • TV-14

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