The Union 2024 movie (recap)

    The Union

    The Union

    The Union | Mark Wahlberg + Halle Berry | Official Trailer |

    The movie we are going to read is about a man who just wants a simple life but one day his ex-girlfriend who is an agent approaches him to ask for his help to stop terrorism this movie is an American action thriller movie released in 2024 titled “THE UNION” directed by Julian Farino starring Mark Wahlberg (Mike McKenna), Halle Berry (Roxanne Hall), and J.K. Simmons (Tom Brennan) with a duration of 1 hour and 47 minutes.

    The story begins where an organization called The Union with similarities to the CIA is conducting an operation to recover government Intelligence from a CIA fugitive that contains sensitive information of individuals who served in the western allied countries.

    The Union 2024 movie (recap)

    The Union is headed by Tom Brennan with his field agents Nick Paraday and Roxanne Hall looking around. They quickly caught the target and successfully got the brief case but as soon as they left. The car waiting for them outside suddenly exploded surprising everyone.

    They have no choice but to find another route so they improvise towards the extraction point but the agent falls one by one. Roxanne also followed to help them but she faced enemies along the way. Nick reached the extraction point alone after his colleagues were exhausted but he was also killed before Roxanne arrived and got the Intel.

    Meanwhile in New Jersey Mike McKenna is just a simple man who works as a construction worker and is happy tho have this in his life with his friends. One night at a bar while drinking with friends Roxanne is out for what she plans to take their mission.

    The Union 2024 movie

    When Mike was alone Roxanne came which surprised him to see her again. They used to be lovers 20 years ago. The two talk for a while about the life they have now and then Roxanne takes it off to go somewhere else. They go to a place they used to go to when they were young and Mike reminisces about the past but Roxanne hives him a sleeping pill. When he woke up the next day, Mike wondered where it was. Roxanne arrives and informs him that he is in London now which surprises him because he is worried about the work he left behind.

    The Union 2024 movie (recap)

    He went out of the hotel and met Roxanne’s boss Tom he gave him his key to eat breakfast while on the flight. He told Mike about their organization called The Union. Their operation was messed up so he is in London now because they need him to recover the Tops Secret Information that the former CIA agent stole.

    The Union

    They found information that a person named Juliet Quinn intends to sell it on the black market for a mystery seller who is involved in the killing of their agents. The auction will be held in two weeks and they need to participate. He was the one they had to perform in the operation because he didn’t have any records yet but Mike wasn’t sure if he was for it. Tom gave him all day to think about what he was doing. Mike and Roxanne go out to talk about what happened because he doesn’t understand why she came to him after she left him before.

    The Union 2024 movie

    Roxanne said that she knows his ability and he is the only one she can trust but he still doesn’t seem to want to agree so she gave Mike a ticket back to New Jersey. That night Roxanne was surprised when Mike came and accepted the offer. Mike immediately rehearsed for two weeks of training that normally takes six months because it was the only time they had. Various tests are done to him that he had to do before the day came. After a few days training they met for the beginning of the mission. The auction will take place between the remote device they intend to buy and Mike will do it.

    On the day of the exchange Union agents immediately prepared to ensure the capture of the target device. Mike was also mobilized to take the money to the place of transaction but while he was waiting there a man who they did not know came with the auctioneer to take him to the place where the exchange will be held.

    The Union can no longer contact Mike and suddenly some enemies come and Roxanne immediately goes down to follow him even as the other agents are trying to find him. Mike was taken to a shop for the transaction, He just received a call from the phone hidden under the table and sent him to the bathroom.

    When he got there he faced a man while Roxanne was busy trying to follow him. The an just counted the money he was carrying and left him there with complete certainty. When Mike looks for the device he paid for Quinn says it’s his phone.

    Mike immediately left the shop but some Russians came. Fortunately Roxanne came and saved him from the enemies. many more arrived so the Union mobilized agents to help them. Roxanne let Mike escape first with the device but was chased by the enemies intending to get what he was carrying.

    He bumped into someone who he almost caught if the other agent hadn’t arrived but a woman who was good at fighting attacked him. The two fall into a house and Mike dropped the device he was holding. When he picks it up the Russian woman attacks him and the device falls into the water.

    Mike almost got killed but Roxanne came and save him. The two fought until the agent knocked him down and immediately left, because the device is wet they can no longer use it their Tech engineer Foreman suspects that someone is cheating on them because the operation always fails but Tom does not believe it and he has confidence in all his colleagues because of the loss of the device they no longer will be able to participate in the auction that will take place.

    Roxanne remembered that there were five other groups that had the device, She thought they would steal to join because they had no other choice. Tom agreed and gave them time to rest first. The next day The Union planned the robbery and they chose the North Korean because they already had information on them.

    The agents immediately moved to enter the mansion they lived. They knocked out the enemies inside one by one while their surveillance agent told them where they were. A man tried to run away and Roxanne immediately chased him luckily Mike was there and the enemy fell asleep.

    The Union 2024 movie

    They successfully got the device but Roxanne was unable to contact the surveillance agent when they returned to the car and found her dead. They also found a photo card of London the left. Roxanne suspected that they knew where they were so she evacuated those in the head quarters but it was too late. They suspect that Russian spies are doing it again but Foreman doesn’t agree because it is very impossible to happen. Tom suddenly called after he was saved and advised them to hide first. Roxanne and Mike head to a Union safe house to rest.

    The Union

    The next day they watched the news that the explosions of their head quarters was caused by an electrical spark which was unbelievable. The two immediately went to the Union’s temporary head quarters because the auction was about to start and the intended to track Quinn’s location. The CIA was also there to say that it would happen but it threatened that if they hit again the Union is over. Roxanne immediately prepares with Mike for the mission to caption Quinn. The auction will also begin Foreman is trying to track its location.

    Roxanne immediately went after Foreman tracked the area. Tom increased the bid at the auction just to make it last longer and find Quinn but tracking the location of the auctioneer was not east so the CIA agent was forced to bid a large amount to make it last longer until Foreman finally found the auctioneer.

    The Union 2024 movie (recap)

    That’s where Roxanne caught up with Mike and let the Intel out. She took them to her apartment where the brief case containing the Intel was hidden. Roxanne successfully got the brief case and confirmed that it was what they were looking for but as they were leaving the place someone knocked outside when Roxanne looked at it she was shocked to see Nick because she knew that he had already died in the operation.

    Nick said that someone has set them up that day and that Tom was the one he pointed to as the culprit but Roxanne did not agree with him pretending to be dead. He said h just wanted to protect her so he found out everything that Tom was hiding. Mike joined in the conversation so as not to believe what he was saying but Nick revealed that he was a couple before.

    Roxanne wants proof that Tom is indeed the traitor in Intel that should not be obtained and asks for his trust to give the Intel to the CIA. They should meet at the bridge tomorrow morning to meet with the CIA together, He also left the auctioneer and took care of it.

    When the two left they argued because Mike found out that Roxanne had gotten married and he had no idea. Mike came down and said that they would meet again at High School Reunion. The next day Roxanne went to the place alone but Mike came there who couldn’t stand it either and wanted to finish the mission.

    The Union

    While they were waiting there, Nick called and admitted that he was the real traitor to the Union for the money. He was an accomplice with Quinn and he changed their brief case so that he could sell Intel to the Iranians for a large amount. The CIA arrived there after Nick set them up, but before they could catch them Roxanne and Mike escaped by jumping into the river.

    The Union 2024 movie

    The CIA also immediately intercepted the ship that was passing by thinking that they were there on purpose to escape. It turns out that Roxanne put a tracker on Nick that night so that she could be easily to found because they problem are that they are wanted by the authorities so it will be difficult for them to get on the plane.

    mike called his friend who works at the airport to ask for help, They were put on a container for the Cargo plane and they were missing without anyone knowing. At that time Tom was in the custody of the CIA he warned him that while they were just sitting there the lives of every individual agency that serves the military were in danger when the Intel went to the terrorist.

    The Union 2024 movie (recap)
    The Union

    The two arrives at the country where Nick went. Mike stole a car in order to follow it through the GPS tracker when they reached the place they saw him on a yacht with Quinn who he was in a relationship with. They followed it again through the GPS tracker where a guard of Iranian terrorists passed them by Intel\s plan to avenge Mick.

    The Union 2024 movie

    In the town Mick met with his terrorist partner before the exchange could continue. Roxanne came to stop him while Mike was around waiting. When the Iranian also found out that something bad was going on it cut off the negotiations there the two sides reached an agreement and Mike also came to escape Intel.

    The Union 2024 movie (recap)

    Roxanne was left behind to catch Nick for his sins and Quinn didn’t want to get involved with them either so he left Nick there but he fought back and ran away. Meanwhile Mike was being chased by Iranians on motorbikes, he managed to knock them down but their leader stopped him.

    Mike escapes by climbing the wall to the roof of the houses while Roxanne chases after nick but he completely eludes her. Currently Mike is also facing the Iranians while Roxanne is on her way to where she is. The agent saved her but the brief case fell down so the enemy got it. Fortunately Roxanne came but the brief case fell down again. Mike quickly picked it up and with the help of Roxanne they killed all the enemies.

    The Union 2024 movie

    As they were about to leave Nick suddenly caught Roxanne and threatened to kill her if he didn’t give him the Intel. Roxanne doesn’t want to give it even at the cost of her life but Mike doesn’t agree. The Iranian also arrived so Mike fled Intel while Nick stole a car to chase him Roxanne also picked up a ride.

    The Union 2024 movie (recap)

    The enemy collided and he get into the back of the car and was trapped before the enemy can get the Intel Nick arrives and run away. Roxanne chases after him while the Iranian also follows them with the car which Mike is trapped.

    Roxanne talked to him but did not know where he was as the three of them chased each other. Until Roxanne also found out that it was inside the Iranian’s trunk. Mike was able to get out and fight the terrorist when Roxanne saw him she bumped the car so the car spun around and the Iranian fell.

    Mike was driving and followed them. While Roxanne and Nick were also chasing each other. The two collided causing both of them to spin Roxanne’s car overturned. Mike now chased Nick as he tried to start the car and also followed but Nick bump Mike’s car causing it to go straight into the cliff.

    Roxanne stopped immediately when she saw what happened. She thought Mike was killed but he survived. Then they chased after Nick again knowing that he was only going to the Yacht. The two took a short cut to quickly follow. When Nick arrived at the port while waiting for the yacht. Mike and Roxanne arrived and crashed his car.

    Nick tried to run away but he had nowhere else to go. He convinced Roxanne that they could make a lot of money selling Intel that would change their lives but Roxanne did not agree and killed her ex-husband. Mike returned to New Jersey to attend a best friend’s wedding.

    The Union

    Roxanne also came there to see him and they realized they were still in love. When they was about to leave Tom was there which surprised the two. This gave them 3 days off because Mike was now a full time Union agent.

    This is where our movie The Union ends. I hope you like it. Thank you very much.

    Main Cast of The Union

    Mark Wahlberg
    Mike McKenna
    Halle Berry
    Roxanne Hall
    J.K. Simmons
    Tom Brennan
    Mike Colter
    Nick Paraday
    Jessica De Gouw
    Juliet Quinn
    Jackie Carlos Hernandez
    Alice Lee
    Athena Kim
    Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje
    Frank Pfeiffer
    Stephen Campbell Moore
    Cameron Foster


    1. When was The Union released?
      • August 2024
    2. How long is The Union?
      • 1 hour and 47 minutes
    3. Who stars in The Union?
      • Mark Wahlberg (Mike McKenna)
      • Halle Berry (Roxanne Hall)
      • J.K. Simmons (Tom Brennan)
    4. Who directed The Union?
      • Julian Farino
    5. What genre is  The Union?
      • Action
      • Thriller
    6. Who was the editor of The Union?
      • Pia Di Ciaula
    7. Who wrote The Union?
      • Joe barton
    8. Who was the producer of The Union?
      • Mark Wahberg
      • Jeff G. Wasman
    9. Who was the cinematographer for The Union?
      • Alan Stewart
    10. What is The Union rated?
      • PG-13

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