Silencer 2018 movie (recap)



    SILENCER | Official Trailer

    We will read today at the action thriller film “SILENCER” which centers on a retired hit man named Frank who is pulled back into a world of violence when his step-daughter is kidnapped by a ruthless syndicate leader directed by Timothy Woodward Jr. with a duration of 1 hour and 28 minutes starring Johnny Messner (Frank),Tito Ortiza (Timothy), and Chuck Liddell (Nelson ‘Nels’).

    Silencer 2018 movie

    The film begins in Northern Iraq where a group of soldiers from United States have a mission to kidnap the leader of a terrorist group and his family. However, they do not know that its members have heard them. Their sniper who was stationed was killed first, so their plan was confirmed causing the leader of the snipers Frank to act. He got down and fought the terrorist who rushed to their colleagues to return to the place of his man who was killed because in a fit of emotion he killed the leader as well as his innocent wife and son.

    Silencer 2018 movie (recap)

    After ten (10) years after the incident, Frank retires from being soldier even though it was a few years ago. It cannot be denied that the shooting still bothers him, it weighs so much on his heart and mind that he cannot say anyone. Currently he spends his time in mechanics which is enough to meet daily expenses of the family.

    One night while Frank was at dinner with his wife Cassie and his step-daughter Shannon. Frank said that he would deliver the finished car to the customer the next day. Cassie and Shannon begged him to accompany her so they could go for a walk after delivering. He is worried about taking Cassie and step-daughter because he is the boss of the syndicate he once joined when he retired as a soldier. He could no longer refuse the begging of his step-daughter because he treat her his own child since he and Cassie are together.

    Silencer 2018 movie

    The next day Frank delivered the repaired car. He was met by the arrogant staff Nelson and tempted him the greatest monkey when he collared him he elbowed him so the cunning man released a lash but the right hand of the Boss Lazarus was there to wean off his companion. He took Frank to the boss of the syndicate named Leo. Boss Leo gave the payment to have the car built.

    He wondered why he was paid so much. The boss did it on purpose because he wanted Frank to come back to work for him again as a hit man but Frank refused the offer. Boss Leo did not force Frank and even gave him a large sum of money. Then he turned back to Cassie and Shannon who are waiting for him outside.

    One night Frank watched on television the news about Boss Leo’s daughter who was a victim of hit & run and died. He was very surprised to know that especially since he knows how much Boss Leo loves his daughter. Not long after he was visited by Lazarus who told him that the boss wanted him to help him avenge the death of his daughter.

    At first Frank refused because he did not want to return to the chaotic world of gangsters. However he has no choice as Lazarus threatens him as he enters Cassie wonders what the gangsters he talked to are up to. He just said that is was about their previous business because he couldn’t explain properly. Cassie got angry and slapped him. However, he ignored her and then left and went to the syndicate’s house,

    Arriving at the mansion, Frank saw Boss Leo frustrated and depressed because of the death of his daughter. The boss wants to the man who hit & run with his daughter he threatens to reveal his dark past so he is forced to agree to the boss’ request. He stated a condition that this would be his last service to him as a hit man to which Boss Leo agreed.

    The next day Lazarus gave Frank the complete document on the hit & run assailant so that he could immediately carry out the mission. It wasn’t long before Frank found the whereabouts of the culprit. After determining the correct position he hurried to adjust the position of his sniper rifle when he saw the assailant at home with his family Frank remembered the incident ten (10) years ago where he made a big mistake that still was messing with his mind.

    He didn’t want to repeat the mistake he regretted so he decided not to continue killing the culprit and let the police catch him. Unbeknownst to Frank, the boss ordered one of his men to watch him from afar. The staff reported Frank’s disobedience to Boss Leo so he ordered Lazarus to kill the hit & run assailant and also take Frank with him who disobeyed his order.

    While the policemen were on the flight with the arrested criminal. Boss Leo’s men ambushed them and then abducted the male criminal. They brought him to Lazarus to be tortured before being killed. At Frank’s home Cassie was surprised by the presence of Lazarus the robber was looking for Frank with her. She tried to fight but in the end Lazarus shot him and then kidnapped her daughter Shannon.

    Meanwhile Frank who just arrived home was shocked to see Cassie lying down,. He immediately rushed his wife to the hospital. A few hours later his former friend and former sniper companion Timothy rushed to the hospital to say hello to his family. Frank says he’ll need a friend’s help to get Shannon back from the syndicates.

    When Cassie regained consciousness it was as if her world had collapsed to find out that her daughter Shannon had been kidnapped. She blamed everything bad that happened to her on Frank because he kept a secret and didn’t tell the truth. Frank apologizes and promises his wife that he will bring Shannon back safely.

    They did not waste Timothy’s time and went straight to the mansion of the syndicate when they got there they found out that Boss Leo and Shannon were gone as well as its staff. They found a single person house they asked where Boss Leo was but he couldn’t give them any information when Frank turned around he tried to grab him so Timothy was forced to shoot him making it difficult for them to get information about Shannon’s whereabouts.

    Meanwhile, where the Boss is, he still feels the sadness and grief of losing his daughter. She treats Shannon like her own child, However, the child feels fear and wants to return to her mother. On the other hand, Boss Leo’s wife is against the kidnapping of Frank’s step-daughter.

    She tried to convince her husband to return the child to her mother but Boss Leo ignored his wife’s suggestion because Frank also worked for Boss Leo for several years, He knew where it was possible to get information about the whereabouts of Boss Leo and Lazarus. First he visited Boss Leo’s biggest drug factory in Mexico.

    They easily take down the weapon-laden men in the factory and get the information about the whereabouts of Boss Leo who is holding Shannon captive. Meanwhile Lazarus is hoping that Frank will find them. He orders his best man Nelson to kill Frank. However, Frank finds Nelson having fun at a syndicate bar.


    Although he was able to fight back, Frank beat him and confessed where they hid Shannon before killing him. At the same time, Timothy beat up the other members of the syndicate because they already knew the exact location of Boss Leo’s mansion where Shannon was hidden. Frank and Timothy prepared their weapons to face Boss Leo and all his men to save Shannon.

    When Frank and Timothy sent the staff from afar, Lazarus heard that something bad was happening so he prepared all their staff. However, the syndicate personnel did not work with Frank and Timothy who are former professional snipers. For a few moments there was a confrontation and focus between Lazarus, Frank, Boss Leo and Timothy’s men they managed to get ahead of the syndicates but Timothy was shot and seriously injured.

    Frank had to continue the mission alone to save Shannon from the hands of the Boss because Boss Leo already knew that Lazarus and his men had been defeated he hostage Shannon. Frank begged to release Shannon and he promised to keep he is alive. The wife of the boss who was there also tried to convince him to release Shannon because she is not their child and she has her own family who loves her very much.

    However, Boss Leo was stubborn and ready to face Frank when he tried to touch Shannon she bit him so his attention was diverted and Frank had a chance to avoid being hit by the shut gun. He managed to trick Boss Leo before releasing the villain who killed him.

    In the final scene Frank brings Shannon home safely and fulfills his promise to Cassie because of this his wife forgives him and accepts him regardless of his past.

    This is where the movie Silencer ends. I hope you like it. Thank you very much.

    Main Cast of Silencer

    Johnny Messner
    Tito Ortiz
    Chuck Liddell
    Nelson ‘Nels’
    Danny Trejo
    Boss Leo
    Robert LaSardo
    Nikki Leigh
    Kai Scarlett Williams
    Sofia Esmaili
    Boss Leo’s daughter


    1. When was Silencer released?
      • Semptember 2018
    2. How long is Silencer?
      • 1 hour and 28 minutes
    3. Who stars in Silencer?
      • Johnny Messner (Frank)
      • Tito Ortiz (Timothy)
      • Chuck Liddell (Nelson ‘Nels’)
    4. Who directed Silencer?
      • Timothy Woodward Jr.
    5. What genre is Silencer?
      • Action
      • Thriller
    6. Who was the editor of Silencer?
      • Ned Thorne
    7. Who wrote Silencer?
      • Sean Mick
    8. Who was the producer Silencer?
      • Timothy Woodward Jr.
      • Johnny Cleveland
      • Lauren De Normandie
      • Terence Sims
    9. Who was the cinematographer for Silencer?
      • Pablo Diez
    10. What is Silencer rated?
      • Not Rated

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